[The Astrology Podcast] June Forecast
June 1, 2018
Astrology May 31-June 10 (♊️II): Between One and Two
June 2, 2018Saturday begins on a grounded, Saturnian note. The first portion of the day, before the Moon enters Aquarius, is a good time to wrap up business, but things change abruptly with the Moon’s entrance into the sign of the Water-Bearer. Luna squares Uranus in Taurus during the late afternoon hours, breaking up whatever patterns led up to that point, making room for changes of both plan and mood.
The Moon spends the entirety of the night conjunct red Mars, a fact you will be able to confirm visually, as Mars is currently very bright and getting brighter. The night hours thus glow with martial flame. Fire can keep you warm, but it can also ignite unwanted conflicts. Take care that you don’t light your campfire next to powder kegs.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Capricorn -> Aquarius, 3rd Quarter
Moon Enters Aquarius: Jun 02 2018 3:06 PM
Moon Square Uranus: Jun 02 2018 4:57 PM
Moon Conjunct Mars: Jun 03 2018 3:20 AM
Moon Conjunct Dragon’s Tail: Jun 03 2018 5:38 AM
See Current Chart