Astrology of Saturday, January 11th 2020
January 11, 2020
Astrology of Monday, January 13th 2020
January 13, 2020Saturn and Pluto conjoin perfectly today. It is their first and only exact union since the early 80’s, with another not scheduled to arrive for decades to come. As I wrote of this pairing in yesterday’s entry,
“This brings thought and communications to bear on hard, heavy, enduring, and intimidating matters. These skew toward the extremes of scale, both the deeply, intergenerationally personal and the grand historical-global. Structures, blockages, and the like are easy to map under this configuration, but not nearly so easy to resolve.”
The Sun conjoins the pair today and tomorrow, further emphasizing the forbidding terrain on display.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Leo, 3rd Quarter
Saturn Conjunct Pluto Jan 12, 8:59 AM PST
Sun Conjunct Pluto Jan 13, 5:20 AM PST
Moon Opposite Venus: Jan 13, 5:41 AM PST
Moon Enters Virgo: Jan 13, 6:05 AM PST
See Current Chart