Astrology of Saturday, January 5th 2019
January 5, 2019
Astrology of Monday, January 7th 2019
January 7, 2019The Capricorn Moon, a day after partially eclipsing the Sun, spends the day conjoined with the Dragon’s Tail, dragging the eclipse power across the day and then into a square with Uranus in Aries, which stations direct today. Retrograde since August, Uranus pauses to announce forward movement. Uranus speaks in the language of lightning-flash insights, sudden opportunity, rapid change and the spontaneous combustion of rebellion. In this manner, Uranus reveals a chosen, rather than mandated, way. Once direct, Uranus will spend only two months in Aries, bringing to a close a chapter of individuation and experimentation that began in 2010.
Venus finally crawls out of the Scorpion’s network of tunnels and strides boldly onto the wide plains of Sagittarius. Here the bright jewel of the morning sky trades the gothic stylings of Scorpio for a huntress’ cap and bow. It is not beasts she is hunting, but excitement and glory. In Sagittarius, Venus revels in epic tones, the spectacle of suprahuman excellence and action-packed aesthetics. Her ride wakes sleeping spirits and kindles their fire. Venus will be in Sagittarius until February 3rd.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Capricorn -> Aquarius, 1st Quarter
Uranus Stations Direct: Jan 06 2019 12:27 PM
Moon Conjunct Ketu: Jan 06 2019 4:08 PM
Moon Square Uranus: Jan 06 2019 7:56 PM
Moon Enters Aquarius: Jan 06 2019 10:46 PM
Venus Enters Sagittarius: Jan 07 2019 3:17 AM
See Current Chart