Astrology of Saturday, June 16th 2018
June 16, 2018
Astrology of Monday, June 18th 2018
June 18, 2018There is but one bit of planetary action in Sunday’s skies. The Moon spends most of the day sailing lazily toward a sextile with the Sun in Gemini. This aspect between the luminaries provides a general level of harmony and lends it a mild warmth. After completing the sextile with the Sun, the Moon goes void-of-course until its wee-hour ingress into Virgo. Start nothing which you would have make a lasting impact during these hours, but do not fear to put work in on projects already underway. As the heavens portend little during a void Moon, it sets the stage for an lazy Sunday night. Late night, we hop back into the time-stream with the Moon’s entrance into Virgo and trine with Uranus in Taurus. There is thus a bit of nervous electricity running through the night’s wiring, a boon to night owls but bane to insomniacs.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Leo -> Virgo, 1st Quarter
Moon Sextile Sun: Jun 17 2018 8:27 PM
See Current Chart