Astrology of Saturday, October 26th 2019
October 26, 2019
Astrology of Monday, October 28th 2019
October 28, 2019The New Moon arrives today, closing out one lunar cycle and readying another. The Sun and the Moon conjoin at 4 Scorpio, exactly opposite the degree that Uranus occupies in Taurus. Silent but severe lightnings pace the psychic skies of this lunation, full of restless and rebellious zeal.
Frustrations born of the ongoing Mars-Saturn square, which is exact today, may tempt us to turn over the table and stomp off. Though such drama would not likely improve things, a little distance from the daily grind probably would.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Libra -> Scorpio, New Moon
Mars Square Saturn: Oct 27, 7:30 AM PDT
Moon Enters Scorpio: Oct 27, 1:30 PM PDT
New Moon: Oct 27, 8:40 PM PDT
Moon Opposite Uranus: Oct 27, 8:59 PM PDT
Sun Opposite Uranus Oct 28, 1:14 AM PDT
See Current Chart