Astrology of Saturday, October 5th 2019
October 5, 2019
Astrology of Monday, October 7th 2019
October 7, 2019The Sun in Libra straddles the nodal axis today, hitting the halfway point between the Head and Tail of the Dragon, and thus between eclipses. The undercurrent of longer-term changes pulls at the day, tugging the mind toward important, but concealed issues. A few insights may, however, pierce the veil. Mercury in Scorpio’s exact opposition to Uranus in Taurus is well-placed to spark small revelations.
Meanwhile, the afternoon is blessed by a harmony-promoting Moon-Venus aspect, balancing out the surface, even if the depths slowly churn. Evening sees the Moon enter Aquarius and then trine Mars in Libra, adding a touch of potential rancor that is easily avoided if you’re willing to fight to keep the peace.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Capricorn -> Aquarius, 2nd Quarter
Sun Square Nodal Axis: Oct 6, 11:28 AM PDT
Moon Square Venus: Oct 6, 4:24 PM PDT
Moon Enters Aquarius: Oct 6, 8:43 PM PDT
Mercury Opposition Uranus Oct 6, 11:16 PM PDT
Moon Trine Mars: Oct 7, 12:44 AM PDT
See Current Chart