Astrology of Wednesday, June 12th 2019
June 12, 2019
Astrology of Friday, June 14th 2019
June 14, 2019Thursday begins with the Moon’s potentially jarring opposition to Uranus in Taurus, which has the potential to disrupt plans and flip moods. A willingness to roll with the punches is key. After departing from the opposition with Uranus, the Moon spends the rest of the day en route to a trine with Mercury, which stocks the day with ruminations on emotionally relevant matters.
Mars in Cancer completes a trine with Neptune in Pisces today, which temporarily diffuses a bit of the rancor which Mars has been generating, but is unlikely to generate big solutions.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Scorpio, 2nd Quarter
Moon Opposite Uranus: Jun 13, 6:13 AM PDT
Mars Trine Neptune: Jun 13, 11:11 PM PDT
Moon Trine Mercury: Jun 14, 12:33 AM PDT
See Current Chart