Astrology of Monday, July 29th 2019
July 29, 2019
Astrology of Wednesday, July 31st 2019
July 31, 2019The waned-down Moon in Cancer runs a rough gauntlet today, making it difficult to accomplish everything on that chore-list.
Luna opposes heavy Saturn and conjoins the hungry Head of the Dragon during the first portion of the day, highlighting both internal and internal obstacles. The Moon then makes a pleasant mid-day trine with anesthetic Neptune, which may make things more pleasant but is unlikely to aid productivity. From there, Luna continues onward to an opposition with dark and distant Pluto, whose discomfiting gaze deepens the afternoon’s shadows.
Evening hosts happier skies. The near-dark Moon spends the evening conjoined almost-direct Mercury in Cancer. This gives the night a thoughtful atmosphere which facilitates the untangling of mental knots.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Cancer, 4th Quarter
Moon Opposite Saturn: Jul 30, 6:52 AM PDT
Moon Conjunct Rahu: Jul 30, 9:58 AM PDT
Moon Trine Neptune: Jul 30, 11:11 AM PDT
Moon Opposite Pluto: Jul 30, 4:25 PM PDT
Moon Conjunct Mercury: Jul 30, 8:30 PM PDT
See Current Chart