Astrology of Monday, May 6th 2019
May 6, 2019
Astrology of Wednesday, May 8th 2019
May 8, 2019Venus in Aries’ perfect square with Saturn in Capricorn hangs over the day. Saturn’s weight makes it difficult for the heart to soar with joy, and predisposes the mood toward frustrated or melancholy. The Venus-Saturn pairing also brings up potentially unpleasant, but completely valid, issues surrounding the structure of relationships and boundaries.
The Moon rushes through the second half of Gemini today, making quick aspects to Neptune, Venus, Jupiter and Mars throughout the day. The configuration with Neptune, Venus and Jupiter is largely positive, and makes the first part of the day easier than the second. The latter part of the day and evening see the Moon conjoin red Mars, which can spark irritation and anger, especially in the context of the Venus-Saturn square.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Gemini -> Cancer, 1st Quarter
Moon Square Neptune: May 7, 5:12 AM PDT
Venus Square Saturn: May 7, 6:25 AM PDT
Moon Sextile Venus: May 7, 9:33 AM PDT
Moon Opposite Jupiter: May 7, 2:10 PM PDT
Moon Conjunct Mars: May 7, 4:49 PM PDT
Moon Enters Cancer: May 8, 2:04 AM PDT
See Current Chart