Astrology of Monday, May 7th 2018
May 7, 2018
Astrology of Wednesday, May 9th 2018
May 9, 2018Tuesday begins with a mentally stimulating sextile between the Moon in Aquarius and Mercury in Aries. This cognitive vigor sets the tone for the day, and is reinforced by the Moon’s evening configuration with similarly stimulating Uranus in Aries. Afterward, though, Luna shifts into Pisces, delineating the difference in tone between the electric day and flowing night.
All the while, the Sun and Jupiter complete their annual opposition, which marks Jupiter’s nearest and brightest point in the yearly cycle. This configuration prompts reflection on how attempts to learn, grow and improve over the last six months have fared. Consider what course corrections are necessary in order to arrive at desired improvements, and take the time to acknowledge the progress made.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Aquarius, 4th Quarter
Moon Sextile Mercury: May 08 5:46 AM
Sun Opposite Jupiter: May 08 5:38 PM
Moon Sextile Uranus: May 08 7:28 PM
Moon Enters Pisces: May 08 8:08 PM
See Current Chart