Astrology of Tuesday, June 11th 2019
June 11, 2019
Astrology of Thursday, June 13th 2019
June 13, 2019Wednesday begins with the Moon in Libra’s trine to the Sun in Gemini, starting off the day with a modicum of harmony between the lights. Though this restores some of the equilibrium that yesterday might have knocked off-kilter, the day has its own challenges.
Mars is perfectly conjoined to the Rahu, the Dragon’s Head, today. The Dragon’s Head intensifies Mars and wreathes it with confusion. The potential for anger and confusion under this configuration is high, and care should be taken not to let strong emotions captain our decision-making process. During the evening, the Moon enters Scorpio, Mars’ territory, further emphasizing said difficulties.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Libra -> Scorpio, 2nd Quarter
Moon Trine Sun: Jun 12, 6:00 AM PDT
Moon Square Pluto: Jun 12, 8:16 AM PDT
Mars Conjunct Dragon’s Head: Jun 12, 3:45 PM PDT
Moon Enters Scorpio: Jun 12, 9:03 PM PDT
See Current Chart