[The Astrology Podcast] April Forecast
April 1, 2017
Astrology of Monday, April 3rd
April 3, 2017Sunday begins on a difficult note. The morning hours see the Moon in Gemini make an exhausted opposition to Saturn in Sagittarius. Early risers may have a hard time greeting the day with cheer. The Moon’s entrance into Cancer mid-day changes the tone significantly, though. The Cancer Moon counsels us to take refuge in some comfortable niche or another to deal with any in-process feelings retrograde Venus brings up. As the afternoon continues, things get a bit chattier and more playful, courtesy of the Moon’s sextile to Mercury in Taurus.
The hours around sunset hold the day’s most lasting shift, as retrograde Venus returns to Pisces. Scorched hearts here find themselves washed in deep waters. Venus’ regress into Pisces, and the corresponding change in tone, will play in the background for most April, as Venus will not consent to leave the Fishes’ sign until the 27th.
Moon in Gemini -> Cancer, 1st Quarter
Moon Opposite Saturn: Apr 02 2017 7:45 AM
Moon Enters Cancer: Apr 02 2017 11:29 AM
Moon Square Venus: Apr 02 2017 11:40 AM
Moon Sextile Mercury: Apr 02 2017 2:52 PM
Venus Re-Enters Pisces: Apr 02 2017 5:27 PM
See Current Chart