Astrology of Saturday, February 3rd 2018
February 3, 2018
Astrology of Monday, February 5th 2018
February 5, 2018Sunday’s skies are delightfully uncomplicated. The Moon in Libra spends the day in a harmonious trine with the Sun in Aquarius. With both of the luminaries in air signs, there is a fine and thoughtful breeze which blows throughout the daylight and evening hours. Contemplative and communicative activities both especially benefit from the ambient winds. A Moon-Pluto square does cast a brief shadow over things, but it is tucked away in deep the wee hours for those living in the Americas.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Libra, 3rd Quarter
Moon Trine Sun: Feb 04 2018 6:37 PM
Moon Square Pluto: Feb 05 2018 1:28 AM
See Current Chart