Astrology of Saturday, September 23rd
September 22, 2017
Astrology of Monday, September 25th
September 24, 2017The Scorpio Moon presides over Mars in Virgo’s opposition with Neptune in Pisces today. This configuration brings with it a back-and-forth between aggressive precision and dreamy messiness. There are thus two routes to go. One can side with Neptune, and suspend Mars in Virgo’s ongoing clean-up campaign, or one can side with Mars, and make a heroic quest out of nailing down the details and staying on task, despite the distractions.
After night falls, the Moon enters Sagittarius and then sextiles the Sun in Libra, brightening and lightening the tone.
Astrology of Sep 23rd – Oct 2nd
Moon in Scorpio -> Sagittarius, 1st Quarter
Moon Square Nodal Axis (North Bending): Sep 24 2017 8:14 AM
Mars Opposite Neptune: Sep 24 2017 12:48 PM
Moon Enters Sagittarius: Sep 24 2017 9:01 PM
Moon Sextile Sun: Sep 25 2017 1:59 AM
See Current Chart