Astrology of Wednesday, March 8th
March 7, 2017
Astrology of Friday, March 10th
March 10, 2017Thursday begins with the Moon in Leo’s trine to a very retrograde Venus in Aries, bringing attention to those matters of passion whose flux is in time with the red lady’s oscillations.
During the second half of the day, Mars finally comes to the end of his rampage in Aries and ingresses into bovine Taurus, a sign in which Mars is considerably less volatile. Here, Mars digs in for the long war, and favors battles of attrition over displays for shock and awe.
Thursday night, the Moon in Leo once again activates the Jupiter-Uranus opposition, lending a suspiciously high energy level to the day’s end.
March Essay + Your Horoscope
Moon in Leo, 2nd Quarter
Moon Trine Venus: Mar 09 2017 6:56 AM
Mars Enters Taurus: Mar 09 2017 4:33 PM
Moon Sextile Jupiter: Mar 09 2017 11:00 PM
Moon Trine Uranus: Mar 10 2017 12:44 AM
See Current Chart