Astrology of Monday, December 18th
December 17, 2017Saturn in Capricorn
December 19, 2017The business-like Moon in Capricorn sextiles Jupiter in Scorpio mid-day, providing a bit of lift to the surrounding hours. However, as night falls, the Moon conjoins dark Pluto in Capricorn, giving the evening a heavy, potentially ominous quality, and one that is entirely appropriate for what happens within it. Saturn enters Capricorn this evening, the sign in which it will spend the rest of the decade. In Capricorn, Saturn builds mighty fortifications, comes down hard on the unrepentant, and teaches of secrets thought lost to dusty tombs.
Astrology of Dec 11th – 21st
Moon in Capricorn, 1st Quarter
Moon Sextile Jupiter: Dec 19 2017 11:32 AM
Moon Conjunct Pluto: Dec 19 2017 6:53 PM
Saturn Enters Capricorn: Dec 19 2017 8:48 PM
See Current Chart