Thursday, January 26th
January 25, 2017
Saturday, January 28th
January 27, 2017Friday begins with Venus in Pisces’ square to Saturn in Sagittarius. This combination calls for an emotional adjustment to the current demands for organization and patience in your life right now. It may deny joys, or merely delay them.
Meanwhile, the Moon joins the Sun invisibly in the afternoon sky, marking the moment of the New Moon. This New Moon in Aquarius asks us to take a step back from the whirl of events, and from that distance contemplate where things are and where they might be headed. It is worth noting that, in contradiction to the previous Full Moon, this New Moon is not configured to any of the big planetary drama afoot.
After nightfall, Mars enters Aries. Aries is one of the most potent places for the red planet. Mars burns hot in Aries, setting short fuses alight, igniting lust for accomplishment. In Aries, Mars is great for getting things done, but not so good for social harmony. Mars will be in Aries until March 9th, when it mosies into Taurus.
Read the Monthly Essay + Your Horoscope
Moon in Aquarius, New Moon
Venus Square Saturn: Jan 27, 9:49 AM
Moon Conjunct Sun (New Moon): Jan 27, 4:06 PM
Mars Enters Aries: Jan 27, 9:38 PM
See Current Chart