[The Astrology Podcast] 2017 Year Ahead Forecast
January 1, 2017
Astrology of Tuesday, January 2nd
January 1, 2017Monday begins with the Moon in Pisces’ conjunction with the South Node, a configuration which pulls the psyche toward preoccupation with old and unresolved matters or sourceless discomforts. It is good for contemplation and day dreams, but may distract from practical matters.
After night falls, the Moon conjoins Neptune and then Mars in Pisces, which churns up a strange combination of vigor and fantasy. Though some may find themselves lost in entertainment, this configuration reaches into poorly understood depths of the psyche and activates intense emotions. Fortunately, Venus joins the Moon, Neptune and Mars in Pisces shortly thereafter, offering the night a measure of grace. For more on Venus’ ingress into Pisces, see “January 2017: Opening Gambit.” This harmonizing theme is continued by the Sun and Moon, which make a balancing sextile during the wee hours.
Read the Monthly Essay + Your Horoscope
Moon in Pisces, 1st Quarter
Moon Conjunct South Node: Jan 2, 10:12 AM
Moon Conjunct Neptune: Jan 2, 7:54 PM
Moon Conjunct Mars: Jan 2, 10:32 PM
Venus Enters Pisces: Jan 2, 11:46 PM
Moon Sextile Sun: Jan 2, 2:10 AM
See Current Chart