Uranus in Taurus: The Earth-Shaker Arrives Single Presentation
February 7, 2018
The 2018 Venus Retrograde: Of Roses and Thorns Single Presentation
February 7, 2018
The 2018 Mars Retrograde:
Unorthodox Methods Single Presentation
This presentation deals with Mars’ 2018 retrograde through Aquarius and Capricorn. While the Mercury retrograde phenomenon has become common knowledge, Mars’ potent retrogrades are not nearly as widely discussed.
In this class we will cover the astronomy and astrology of Mars’ messy retrogrades and focus in on the particular one due to occur during the third quarter of 2018. We’ll look at historical precedents and personal examples to understand Mars retros in general, and the 2018 one in particular.
Straddling rebellious Aquarius and conservative Capricorn, this Mars retrograde is due to challenge and redefine our idea of what power is, and how it can be used. This cycle weaves together the innovative and traditional, a perfect entry-point to understanding the unorthodox and orthodox. As Sun Tzu said in The Art of War, “…variations of the unorthodox and the orthodox are endless. The unorthodox and the orthodox give rise to each other, like a beginningless circle — who could exhaust them?”
What you get: 2-hour and 53-minute presentation with audio over a PowerPoint in MP4 video format. Download available immediately after purchase in your My Account section.
“Duderanging”—It happens. I’ve done it. It happened a lot this weekend after I heard it was a thing here. I feel that Mars as an archetype has a better time getting around in the world because this recording exists. I’m privileged to be a silent student.
This Mars retrograde is in the 1st house and is affecting my ASC. I am faced with a situation that has been disappointing and has shown the true colors of individuals that surround me. I have been thinking about how to handle the bad feelings about a situation. This class had allowed me to make a decision that will benefit me and release me from further obligations with a group. I will refrain from any communications until after the Mars Retrograde. I will be taking the stance of a crouching tiger, sleeping giant. Thanks Austin