The Grimoire of the Grumpy Goat: Magical Approaches to Working With Saturn in Capricorn Single Presentation
February 7, 2018
Uranus in Taurus: The Earth-Shaker Arrives Single Presentation
February 7, 2018Astrological Magic: Talismans 5 Recording Series
Although astrological magic includes many different kinds of operations, traditional texts devote the most space, by far, to the construction of talismans. Imbued with the power of the planets and stars, talismans make permanent what would otherwise be a passing influence.
The construction of a proper astrological talisman is a complex matter which requires precise timing, the right material and appropriate images and names. Although possible to reconstruct from traditional texts, it is certainly not easy. In this 5-week class we’ll go through both the theory and practice of constructing astrological talismans. Not only that, we’ll discuss how to work with them, and go through specific examples of talismanry gone right, as well as quite wrong.
The timing portion of this class requires the participants to have basic chart reading skills. Some familiarity with planets, signs, houses and aspects is a necessity, although mastery is not. Although previous experience with ritual is certainly helpful, it is not required — only a willingness to experiment and learn.
Hello Austin,
I am on the 3rd class and heard you say you would send some charts during this class. As I´ve only purchased it I find no access to them. Is it in anyway possible to get them?
Loving the class so far.
I’ve been wanting to delve into magic for quite some time but life does what it does so sometimes we get thrown off. I’ve not tried anything other than chart remediation so far but I feel strengthened by it even if it is slow going. I only have one planet that is super strong and it’s a male fix so I have a ways to go before everything falls into place, I think.
Es un curso ameno y muy interesante, te permite comprender la complejidad del arte talismánico y se nota que el profesor es un experto practicante. Más que recomendable incluso para los que no dominamos el inglés.
Austin's treatment of Astrological Talismans is incredibly thorough, well thought out and disseminated. He covers all the angles, processes, history, materials, practical as well as magical considerations with humor & attention to details needed to perform such magical acts. There are also experiential stories that serve to entertain as well as caution and validate the results of such Magic.
This course provided a wonderful overview of astrological magic and focused on the use and fabrication of astrological Talismans. An intermediate astrologer and experienced kabbalist, I was a complete novice in this branch of magic and thanks to this course now feel quite comfortable with the knowledge of how to go about making a Talisman and properly charging it through the use of a combination of electional astrology, invocation and ritual. The symbols to be used in the making of a Talisman were covered, as well as being directed to various source texts from Agrippa and the Picatrix, which we will continue to refer to, thus allowing us to go as deeply as we like into Talismatic magic.
Making a talisman is not an easy thing... leaning to making a talisman from the Picatrix neather, this is kind of a cryptic course, you have all the informarion, if you listen variuos times and take notes... then you need to learn other arts that are not yours, besides astrology.... this is for people who like challemges and maybe risks, not the course, making talismans.
Great little set of lectures, complete enough to be worth the investiment. People complained in other reviews about Austin clearing his throat a lot and the overall sound quality of the files, but honestly it didn’t bother me at all. And I listened to the whole thing with earplugs and made a notebook for myself in Portuguese, my natal tongue. I did miss some pdf files, however, mentioned in the course but not available for download. That would make a significant difference imo, but all in all it was very much worth it.
Austin is more than frequently clearing his throat or caughing, the beeps (whatsapp notification?) are constantly sounding in the background which make the recordings really tedious to listen.
The powerpoint sheets are super minimalistic … I wish there was more illustrations and charts examples. A complementary .pdf would have been appreciated.
The result is I got very easily bored and about to escape to go and study in books.
- Valuable information not found elsewhere from an experienced practitioner
- More than enough to get started working with the Picatrix. Excellent breakdown of how to perform the ritual/consecration of talismans
- Austin's add-ons to the factory settings of the Picatrix
- Audio volume a bit low
- Unstructured, not polished in this edition, lots of room for improvement. I am grateful Austin put this out at all.
- Austin clears his throat a lot