Saturday, January 21st
January 20, 2017
Monday, January 23rd
January 22, 2017Sunday begins with the Moon in Sagittarius’ pleasant sextile to the Sun in Aquarius, beginning the day with a bit of harmony. Shortly thereafter, though, the Moon squares the Nodal Axis during the mid-day hours. Here the Head and Tail tug at the direction of the day, making for uncertain moods and trajectories.
This lack of direction is further supported by the Moon’s square to Neptune on Sunday night, which serves to distract and confuse.
Weekly Essay + Horoscope Monthly Essay + Horoscope 2017
Moon in Sagittarius, 4th Quarter
Moon Sextile Sun: Jan 22, 8:29 AM
Moon At South Bending: Jan 22, 10:29 AM
Moon Square Neptune: Jan 22, 11:35 PM
See Current Chart