Wednesday, January 11th
January 10, 2017
Friday, January 13th
January 12, 2017Thursday begins in the wake of the potent Full Moon. Around sunrise, Mercury enters Capricorn again, this time without plans for a retrograde retreat. With this transition from Sagittarius into Capricorn, there is an accompanying shift from vision and direction to planning and structure. Mercury will be in Capricorn until February 7th, when it enters Aquarius.
Thursday also holds Venus’ conjunction to Neptune in Pisces. The aspect, complete today, offers an anesthetic salve to some of the Full Moon’s complexities. It greases certain wheels, making it easier to let things slide.
Meanwhile, the Moon enters Leo in the hours surrounding sunset. This shift gives the evening a more active, expressive atmosphere. The Moon, however, makes no aspects on Thursday, allowing space for the complexities and intensities of the Full Moon to percolate.
Weekly Essay + Horoscope Monthly Essay + Horoscope 2017
Moon in Cancer -> Leo, 3rd Quarter
Mercury Enters Capricorn: Jan 12, 5:55 AM
Venus Conjunct Neptune: Jan 12, 1:53 PM
Moon Enters Leo: Jan 12, 4:07 PM
See Current Chart