Wednesday, January 25th
January 24, 2017
Friday, January 27th
January 26, 2017Thursday begins with the Moon in Capricorn’s square to the Jupiter-Uranus opposition, echoing once again the dynamics of the Full Moon. You may be pulled to compare and contrast the virtues of sudden change vs. gradual improvement, as well as to analyze what obstacles prevent you from improvement of one sort or another.
Shortly thereafter, the Moon moves on to a sextile with Venus at the end of Pisces. This usually pleasant aspect may be compromised by Venus’ applying square to Saturn, and thus may require patience in addition to offering pleasure.
From Venus, the Moon moves toward a sextile with Mars. The day thus receives a small measure of vigor, which increases as evening falls. The rowdiness of the Moon-Mars aspect fades as the night deepens, and Luna enters abstract Aquarius in preparation for tomorrow’s New Moon.
Read the Monthly Essay + Your Horoscope
Moon in Capricorn -> Aquarius, 4th Quarter
Moon Square Uranus: Jan 26, 7:15 AM
Moon Square Jupiter: Jan 26, 11:13 AM
Moon Sextile Venus: Jan 26, 12:03 PM
Moon Sextile Mars; Jan 26, 11:15 PM
Moon Enters Aquarius: Jan 27, 12:33 AM
See Current Chart