Astrology of Thursday, April 27th
April 26, 2017
Astrology of Saturday, April 29th
April 28, 2017Friday’s skies host two significant events. The first is Venus’ re-entry into Aries, the site of her most recent retrograde. Here Venus strides back on to the battlefield, ax in one hand, a flaming rose in the other. Venus in Aries teaches us to understand strife as a part of harmony, and anger’s role in love. Venus will be in Aries until June 6th.
While Venus returns to Aries, re-starting the journey through the Ram’s sign from the beginning, retrograde Mercury conjoins Uranus at the end of the sign. Here Mercury’s wand becomes a lightning-rod, catching and conducting the heavenly fire which Uranus is prone to dispense. Startling messages and radical ideas abound, not just today, but over the next two weeks, wherein Mercury will not stray more than a degree from Uranus.
While Venus returns to Aries and Uranus electrifies Mercury, the Moon makes a somewhat disorienting square with Neptune, then moves on to a victorious evening trine with Jupiter.
April Essay
Moon in Gemini, 1st Quarter
Venus Re-Enters Aries: Apr 28 2017 6:10 AM
Mercury Conjunct Uranus: Apr 28 2017 7:54 AM
Moon Square Neptune: Apr 28 2017 4:22 PM
Moon Trine Jupiter: Apr 28 2017 7:37 PM
See Current Chart