Astrology of Thursday, July 6th
July 6, 2017
Astrology of Saturday, July 8th
July 7, 2017Friday possesses a mixture of the light-hearted and dark. Mercury and Venus form a perfect sextile early on Friday, which builds a bridge between the head and the heart, and is a particularly good combination for literary or other technical arts, not to mention fun, in general.
Still, the Moon, which begins the day with a potentially disruptive aspect to Uranus, enters stony Capricorn early on Friday. The cranky goat’s sign is not an easy place for the Moon, and the Sun’s pending opposition to Pluto can darken moods, like a cloud obscuring the Sun. Furthermore, the mansion Luna resides in for much of the day, Mula, pushes things in a heavier, darker direction. Friday thus combines the light and the heavy, the bright and the dark.
Astrology of July Essay Astrology of July 1st-10th
Moon in Sagittarius -> Capricorn (Mula -> Purva Ashadha)
Mercury Sextile Venus: Jul 07 2017 6:20 AM
Moon Trine Uranus: Jul 07 2017 7:10 AM
Moon Enters Capricorn: Jul 07 2017 10:43 AM
Moon Enters Purva Ashadha: Jul 08 2017 12:50 AM
See Current Chart