Astrology of Sunday, August 19th 2018
August 19, 2018
Astrology of Tuesday, August 21st 2018
August 21, 2018The Moon spends the first portion of the day making its way to an afternoon trine with the Sun in Leo, lending the day a pro-active light and warmth. After night falls, Luna moves into Capricorn, and then proceeds to trine earthshaking Uranus in Taurus and conjoin Saturn in Capricorn, activating their month-long trinal relationship. The late night is thus stocked with visions of concrete problems and innovative, pragmatic solutions.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Sagittarius -> Capricorn, 2nd Quarter
Moon Trine Sun: Aug 20 2018 4:46 PM
Moon Enters Capricorn: Aug 20 2018 9:01 PM
Moon Trine Uranus: Aug 21 2018 2:02 AM
Moon Conjunct Saturn: Aug 21 2018 2:34 AM
See Current Chart