Astrology of Monday, August 20th 2018
August 20, 2018
Astrology of Wednesday, August 22nd 2018
August 22, 2018The Moon is in Capricorn for all of Tuesday, sharing the Goat’s sign with Saturn, Pluto and Mars— a rough crew. Even though the Moon makes no exact aspects with any of the aforementioned three, their copresence gives the day a general hard-edged feel. It’s a configuration for labor, not leisure.
Late-late night sees the Moon delight in a temporarily engagement with Venus, Neptune and Jupiter. This is a pleasant, supportive, protected little pocket of time, a small jewel dropped into the quiet hours.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Capricorn, 2nd Quarter
Moon Square Venus: Aug 22 2018 3:36 AM
Moon Sextile Neptune: Aug 22 2018 4:27 AM
Moon Sextile Jupiter: Aug 22 2018 5:21 AM
See Current Chart