Astrology May 31-June 10 (♊️II): Between One and Two
June 2, 2018
Astrology of Monday, June 4th 2018
June 4, 2018Sunday begins with the Moon in Aquarius fresh off of a conjunction with Mars and the Dragon’s Tail, and so the morning may still smell of night-fires smoldering. Yet as the morning lengthens, it is the Moon’s trine with quick and clever Mercury which comes to dominate the day. Cogitation, communication and transportation all get a nice boost from this configuration. As the afternoon lengthens, the focus shifts to the stimulating, harmonious trine between the Moon in Aquarius and the Sun in Gemini. Both luminaries present in air signs facilitates easy and light movement, yet the night’s square between the Moon in Aquarius and Jupiter in Scorpio lends it the potential for emotional substance and depth. Overall, the day’s configurations are pleasing.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Aquarius, 3rd Quarter
Moon Trine Mercury: Jun 03 2018 12:05 PM
Moon Trine Sun: Jun 03 2018 6:22 PM
Moon Square Jupiter: Jun 03 2018 10:07 PM
See Current Chart