Astrology Sep 13th – 22nd (♍️III): The Chamber of Remembrance
September 12, 2017
Astrology of Thursday, September 14th
September 13, 2017Wednesday begins the Moon in Gemini’s trine to Jupiter in Libra, a pleasant and buoyant counterpoint to the Sun’s square with Saturn, which lays a heavy blanket over the day, smothering a few joys. The Sun’s square with Saturn asks us to turn our thoughts to more serious topics, particularly those which concern the current architecture of our life, and the current state our commitments.
Mid-afternoon, the Moon slides into Cancer, tugging the mind in a comfort-seeking direction. As night falls, the Moon makes its way to a sextile with Mercury and then Mars. If worries plague you, don’t sit there and let them chew on you- consider what can be done to remedy things and when you’re going to do it.
Astrology of Sep 13th – 22nd
Moon in Gemini, 4th Quarter
Moon Trine Jupiter: Sep 13 2017 5:42 AM
Sun Square Saturn: Sep 13 2017 7:58 PM
Moon Sextile Uranus: Sep 13 2017 11:35 AM
Moon Enters Cancer: Sep 13 2017 3:12 PM
Moon Sextile Mercury: Sep 13 2017 9:42 PM
Moon Sextile Mars: Sep 14 2017 12:48 AM
See Current Chart