Sunday, January 15th
January 14, 2017
Tuesday, January 17th
January 16, 2017The first portion of Monday is characterized by the Moon in Virgo’ potentially irritating opposition to Mars in Pisces. You may be pulled toward exertions you would rather neglect, or possessed of a generally irritable mood. Immediately thereafter, the Moon in Virgo squares Saturn in Sagittarius, another unpleasant pairing. The brief hours between the Moon’s aspects to Mars and Saturn see the Moon in a classical besiegement, and are particularly ill-omened.
However, as the afternoon lengthens, the Moon’s trine to Sun begins to dominate, grounding and harmonizing the rest of the day and much of the night. After completing the trine to the Sun, the Moon saunters into mellow Libra, where it will be for the next several days.
Read the Monthly Essay + Your Horoscope
Moon in Virgo -> Libra, 3rd Quarter
Moon Opposite Mars: Jan 16, 11:06 AM
Moon Square Saturn: Jan 16, 2:14 PM
Moon Trine Sun: Jan 16, 10:12 PM
Moon Enters Libra: Jan 17, 3:20 AM
See Current Chart