Friday, February 3rd
February 2, 2017
Sunday, February 5th
February 5, 2017The sunlit portion of Saturday hosts an afternoon trine between the Moon in Taurus and Mercury in Capricorn. This is a useful aspect for both mental work and play. If you have scheduling or thinking to do, Saturday afternoon will provide the appropriate ambiance.
Come night, the Moon enters Gemini, bringing with it additional conversations and considerations. The Moon makes a sextile to newly-ingressed Venus in Aries later Saturday night, kindling additional enthusiasm and providing a good backdrop for social occasions. Late, late Saturday night, Luna makes an awkward square to the nodal axis, which may serve to muddy the latter portion of the evening. You may not want to be out too late.
February Essay + Your Horoscope
Moon in Taurus -> Gemini, 2nd Quarter
Moon Trine Mercury: Feb 4, 2:41 PM
Moon Enters Gemini: Feb 4, 8:43 PM
Moon Sextile Venus: Feb 4, 10:51 PM
Moon Square Nodal Axis: Feb 5, 2:35 AM
See Current Chart