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February 7, 2017
Astrological Magic: Talismans 5 Recording Series
February 7, 2018The Grimoire of the Grumpy Goat: Magical Approaches to Working With Saturn in Capricorn Single Presentation
Although Saturn in Capricorn often presides over challenging periods of history, from a magical perspective, the slow planet’s time in the Goat’s sign presents a bouquet of opportunities. In traditional planetary magic, it is a prerequisite that a planet be in one of its favored signs in order to access its full potency, and Saturn’s time in Capricorn qualifies unequivocally. Though Saturn’s transits can be difficult, the slow planet can also help us cultivate the virtues of patience, discipline and endurance, and empower works of binding, justice and protection. In this talk, we’ll consider Saturn in Capricorn from a magical angle, and look at a variety of approaches and projects, drawn from both traditional texts and living thought.
What you get: 2-hour and 35-minute presentation with audio over a PowerPoint in MP4 video format. Download available immediately after purchase in your My Account section!
I really enjoy Austin's teaching style, and I gained a lot of insights from this presentation. My natal Saturn is 00Cap in my 1st, I use Placidus, so my Asc is 21 Sag. Anyhoo, one thing I would kindly ask, all through you kept promising that there would be lists or compilations of various methods and "recipes" and perhaps more ways to read one's natal Saturn placement by House? I guess what I am asking is, can I get the corresponding notes that go along with this Presentation? I hope so, but nbd if not. I really enjoyed the presentation, so thank you for that!
I'm glad I listened to this presentation before Saturn leaves Aquarius. I definitely want to make a Saturn talismans at this time in Space..sad I missed the Capricorn years. My rising sign is Capricorn and it is the goat pictured here that attracted me to this course. Saturn is ill-dignified in my Birth Chart in Cancer on the 7th House conjunct the Moon. This Saturn, I call, the Crone...the Death Mother...and believe you me, I've spent my life unwittingly serving the Lady of Darkness. I believe I have some level of favor with Saturn this point in my life, I'm 46 now. What stood out in this presentation was when you mentioned the "garb" to wear when working with Saturn and the section about Saturn's children...in a book I'm currently reading called "The Beginning of Wisdom" by Ibn-Ezra, he describes Saturn's children, he says, "Of the nations, in his [Saturn's] share are black people, the Jews, the Berbers...grave diggers, undertakers...", so yea, it's written in places that Saturn's people are the Jews...the book was written by a Jew...further more, I'm black...so let's go, hail Saturn and his people!
This was a wonderful presentation....very comprehensive in scope and easy to understand. The information is very useful.
Really enjoyed this talk and felt that I learned so much! It was well paced, chock full of interesting information and made me want to do some of the practices right away. I can’t remember when I felt more satisfied and inspired after a webinar ?