Planetary Decades Single Presentation
November 25, 2023
The Lot of the Father: Traditional Astrology and the Menendez Brothers Single Presentation
November 27, 2023Seven Stages Single Presentation
In the foundational Tetrabiblos, Ptolemy lays out a simple system dividing human life into seven archetypal stages, each assigned to one of the seven visible planets. Though upon first glance over-simple and unindividualized, in truth this technique provides us with both a quietly sophisticated developmental model, and an entirely functional time lord system. We’ll look at the seven planetary stages, compare them with developmental psychology, use them to time events, and demonstrate how they can bolster other timing methods. (Hellenistic) (beginner)
Categories: Recorded Classes & Lectures, Single Presentations, Singles
Tags: astrology austin coppock class seven stages timing techniques