Tuesday, January 3rd
January 2, 2017
Thursday, January 5th
January 4, 2017Wednesday begins with Mercury’s retrograde retreat into Sagittarius, in preparation for its direct station on Saturday night. This regress into Sagittarius pulls the mind in a more aspirational, goal focused direction. Obstacles fade into the periphery as the way forward draws the eye. This shift is quick to be witnessed by the Moon in Pisces, which squares Mercury almost immediately after the Messenger’s ingress. Though the square offers insight into the cloudy feelings churned up earlier in the week, the first portion of the day may be colored by a certain grogginess or sloth.
This changes rather abruptly with the Moon’s ingress into Aries, though. The Aries Moon heats things up and gets them moving throughout the day, activating the lust for accomplishment. Wednesday is a good day to go down your to-do list and scratch off a number of items, particularly those which would have been better accomplished weeks ago.
Read the Monthly Essay + Your Horoscope
Moon in Pisces -> Aries, 1st Quarter
Mercury Re-Enters Sagittarius: Jan 4, 6:27 AM
Moon Square Mercury: Jan 4, 8:12 AM
Moon Enters Aries: Jan 4, 8:16 AM
See Current Chart