Astrology of Monday, September 4th
September 3, 2017
Astrology of Tuesday, September 5th
September 6, 2017The Sun enters the second decan of Virgo on September 2nd and will be there until the 12th. Here, as the roots of the Tree drink, we flow with the water into it, travelling like busy blood through the body of the world, nourishing, transporting and transforming. Here we are witness to the concealed alchemical process which produces the juicy red fruit.
Thus the Sun’s light in this decan falls across production lines, and reveals hidden labors. Processes in process, conveyer belts in motion. The agony and care of the craftsman disguised by the simplicity of the finished work, the exploited worker obscured by the radiance of the blood diamond. Heraclitus’ secret, primordial fire as a furnace continually re-forging the world.
Indeed, change over time, the ongoing alchemy of the world, is key to this decan. It is thus entirely fitting this decan is thought, in one system, be ruled by Saturn, as effort over time is crucial to this face’s processes. Patience is also required, as this is a place of delayed gratification. Furthermore, this decan’s Saturnian quality points toward the necessity of sequencing actions in time. It is not simply a matter of doing the right thing, it is a matter of doing things in the order necessary to achieve the intended transformation. An alchemical vision erupts here, not of any one process, but of the great number of processes, and the necessity of sequencing them in the proper order to achieve the great work.
Venus is in the other ruler of this face, which speaks to the perfection of the finished product, the luster of the ripened fruit. Yet this attachment to quality lays traps. We must be careful as we descend into this decan, for it contains perfectionist hells, the abysses which lie between the good enough and great.
We are thus called to inspect sequences, to rewrite procedures, and to consider the efficiency of ongoing processes. This year there is much to inspect, as the first two months of 2017’s dramatic 3rd quarter have left much in disarray. Though the Sun’s time in the 2nd face of Virgo will not see all put back in working order, it will oversee significant movement in that direction, as within these 10 days Mercury will station direct, and a Full Moon is due whose light will not be compromised by eclipse. Mercury’s station will see matters begin to move forward in a more rational manner, while the Full Moon in Pisces will provide the vision necessary to bring coherence to the present, the water which moistens the clay and makes it ready for the potter’s wheel.
The 5th contains within it a trio of important shifts. The first of these is Mars’ ingress into Virgo, the second is Mercury’s direct station, and the third and final is the Full Moon in Pisces.
Mercury Stations Direct: Voice Of The Eclipse
Mercury stations direct around dawn, ending the rather extended and somewhat excruciating retrograde. Of additional interest is the fact that Mercury’s direction station is in the same degree in which the solar eclipse occurred. The suggestion is, then, that Mercury has come back to clarify the potent but potentially obscure signal sent earthward two weeks ago. Further insight into matters of identity, self-representation, and strength are likely to abound.
Mars Enters Virgo: Wielding The Razor
Finally, during the wee hours, Mars enters Virgo. In the Virgin’s sign, Mars’ sword becomes a scalpel so as to demonstrate that precision truly is power. Mars in Virgo favors careful work with quantifiable results, and blesses the repairman and the scholar equally for their diligence. Unfortunately, Mars in Virgo also inspires viciously critical moods. Take care not to turn the scalpel on those near and dear to you. Mars will be in Virgo until October 22nd.
Full Moon in Pisces: Hydromancy
The Full Moon arrives on Tuesday night. This Full Moon is in Pisces, the imprecise but delightfully imaginative sign which opposes Virgo on the wheel. This year, the Full Moon takes place while tightly conjunct Neptune. The distant blue planet magnifies the dreamy quality of the Fishes’ sign.
This lunation is the first New or Full Moon since July to go un-eclipsed. No stains or shadows will mar Luna’s bright face. The lunar power which pours down may thus serve to wash away some of the soot and grime still clinging to us from the recent solar eclipse.
While the Sun in Virgo’s light shines upon and into matter, revealing its details and mechanics, the Moon in Pisces’ silver light illuminates the spirits and phantasms hovering just behind it. This is dreamy Full Moon, a takes us away from September’s ongoing to-do lists for a few days.
The Moon’s rays are liquid and thick with visions. Collected in a silver bowl, they will serve admirably as a scrying device. Look not at details of discrete tasks, but for a vision of the unifying dream which encloses, connects and gives purpose to the details of every small endeavor. Look for your underlying reason, the motive that drives your journey. It is that vision and that vision alone which can bring meaning to what may otherwise seem to be an endless and pointless list of tasks.
The tension between dream and labor, the practical and the poetic, which the Full Moon illuminates will continue throughout the month, courtesy of Mercury, Mars and then Venus’ subsequent oppositions with Neptune. The Full Moon thus initiates a theme that will continue for the next several weeks.
Mercury Re-Enters Virgo: Back To Work
After the Moon wanes down from Full for a few days, on the 9th, Mercury re-enters Virgo. Mercury is at home in Virgo, and possesses great strength. Hermes’ return to Virgo after the long retrograde is particularly beneficial, as there many fixes to implement, messes to clean up, and bookshelves to organize. Mercury will travel with Mars for much of its time in the Virgin’s sign, adding a hot, impatient edge to the acts of communication, remediation and organization which take place. Mercury will be in Virgo until September 29th.
Looks like its time to clean my room! Yet again! But at least I get to live in a clean space….
Hi Austin,
I am finding that listening to the audio recordings of your decans class, along with re-reading the Virgo decans chapters in your book along with these periodical decans essays really deepens my experience about these decans and helps me integrate this awareness of each decan during daily life. I would encourage everyone to get your audio decans class and “36 Faces” book.
Bryan– Agreed! “36 Faces” is a supper useful resource I continue to reference back on. Would love to get more into ‘The 36 Airs of the Zodiac’ Austin mentions in the book; however I can’t seem to find any copy of it even on Internet archives ;( oh well 36 Faces works good!