Astrology of Wednesday, June 6th 2018
June 6, 2018
Astrology of Friday, June 8th 2018
June 8, 2018The Moon drifts through the late degrees of Pisces for the first portion of the day, giving it a flowing but somewhat directionless quality. During the afternoon, Luna crawls ashore into Aries, drying off and powering up. The Moon in Aries looks to Mars in Aquarius for direction just as Mars conjoins the Dragon’s Tail. As I wrote of this conjunction in “Between One and Two:”
Though their conjunction is perfect on the 7th, the two will be tightly paired for weeks and weeks to come. Here Mars’ earthly fire is paired with the spirit-flame of the South Node. Twinned, they burn harsh and bright, immolating and purifying obscurities. This is the fire of the renunciate, who walks away from everything. It is the fire of dissatisfaction, in whose light the world looks like a tawdry prison.
There may thus be important signals which come through today about situations which are better abandoned than solved, yet this is just the first transmission, and you would be wise to note what comes through while waiting patiently for the rest of what is likely to be a rather complex missive.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Pisces -> Aries, 4th Quarter
Moon Enters Aries: Jun 07 2018 2:23 PM
Mars Conjunct Ketu: Jun 07 2018 10:08 PM
Moon Sextile Mars: Jun 08 2018 3:49 AM
Moon Square Saturn: Jun 08 2018 3:51 AM
See Current Chart