Astrology of Tuesday, December 19th
December 18, 2017
Astrology of Wednesday, December 20th
December 19, 2017Saturn will be in tropical Capricorn from December 19th, 2017 until 2020. The slow planet will be in and out of the Goat’s sign throughout that year, with the final egress scheduled for December 16th, 2020. Saturn takes 29.5 years to round the zodiac, and so the 2017-2020 period can be paralleled to the previous times Saturn was in Capricorn, such as 1989-92, 1959-1962, and 1929-33.
Coming Home
The ingress of Saturn into a new sign is always important, but there is no ingress into any of the 12 signs as inherently meaningful as the entrance into Capricorn. This is because Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, meaning that the sign receives the planet as its rightful lord and master. Any planet in a sign which it rules, such as Mars in Aries or Jupiter in Sagittarius, has its core significations strengthened. A planet in a sign which it rules is like a king (or queen) in their own castle. They receive protection, and have the maximum amount of resources at their disposal.
Even after Saturn leaves Capricorn for Aquarius in late 2020, the planet will still be in a sign that it rules. Saturn has the distinction of being the only planet whose ruled signs, or domiciles, are adjacent. This means that Saturn’s entrance into Capricorn begins not a 2.5 year period of peak Saturn, but a consolidated 5 year stretch of Saturnian power.
These 5 year periods are, historically, instances where the rules are rewritten. The last time Saturn was in this part of its cycle was 1988-1994. The time before that was 1959-1965, the time before that 1929-1934. The world before these 5 year spans looked significantly different than the world which followed.
If we look at American history, when Saturn ingressed into Capricorn in 1929, it was the fevered peak of the roaring 20s, and then when it exited Aquarius in 1934, it was the dead center of the Great Depression. Saturn entered Capricorn in 1959, at the peak of post-war stability, but by the time it exited Aquarius, in 1964, the Vietnam War raged, the United States had become bitterly divided, and a tremendous counter-cultural wave had begun. Similarly, when Saturn entered Capricorn at the end of 1988, it was stock market greed and the Cold War, but by the time that Saturn left Aquarius, the world political order had been reforged, and another massive countercultural wave was cresting.
Thus Saturn’s entrance into Capricorn in December of 2017 begins a period which is, quite literally, a gamechanger. The changes which take place during the next 5 years are naturally divided into two steps — the Capricorn portion coincides with the destruction of the old rules, the Aquarius portion with the design of the new.
Saturn and Capricorn
Before going further into the various themes which Saturn’s time in Capricorn entails, it behooves us to consider the nature of both Capricorn and Saturn.
Saturn is the slowest and furthest planet visible to the naked eye. It takes approximately 29.5 years to do one circuit of the zodiac. Just as Saturn is the limit of the visible solar system, Saturn is concerned with boundaries and borders. A wall both encloses and excludes, separating one space from another and limiting interaction between the two. There is thus a strong architectural element to Saturn which extends to all constructed systems, including human hierarchies and institutions. Saturn’s position in a natal chart yields information about how well a person does with structure, as well as how they react to, and wield, authority.
Being so slow, Saturn is also more concerned with time than the other planets. Saturn highlights the way it changes things, and separates the enduring from the fleeting. For living beings, time always leads to death, another fundamental Saturn theme. Relationships with the past and the dead are thus well within the Saturnian sphere. Saturn’s slow progression also illustrates the laws of cause and effect — how actions, over time, create reality.
Saturn is the Greater Malefic in astrology, as it brings deprivation, fear, excessive cold, brittle-ness, depression, confinement and exclusion. Yet Saturn also teaches the virtues of patience, discipline, endurance and duty, and shows us how to maintain glacial calm in even the worst conditions.
Capricorn, represented by the Goat, or Sea-Goat, is an Earth sign, meaning that it is primarily concerned with the concrete layers of reality. Earth signs prefer facts to speculations, a bird in hand over two in the bush.
Capricorn is of the Cardinal mode, linking it to initiation and creation — the beginning phase of story-arcs. It is thus the sign where the Earth is reshaped in accord with intention. Mud becomes brick, and bricks become houses. The wet clay, patterned with intention, becomes sculpture. Capricorn’s essential dynamic is thus the imposition of pattern onto substance in conformity with will.
This projection of design onto the materia of the real is in perfect accord with Saturn’s architectural intentions. It is thus no surprise that Capricorn is considered to be ruled by the leaden planet. For here, Saturn expresses himself in an unmitigated, text-book manner, especially as concerns the planet’s heavier and more manifest significations. In Capricorn, Saturn wears no disguise, but presents himself in an archetypal fashion. He is Father Time, the Grim Reaper, the Grand Architect, and the Old Teacher.
And Pluto, Too!
One of the more important factors to consider when differentiating this installment of Saturn in Capricorn from previous instances, is Pluto. Pluto will be in Capricorn the entire time that Saturn is. The two have one exact conjunction, scheduled for January 12th, 2020. Even though they are only precisely aligned on that one day, their copresence will shape the entirety of Saturn’s time in the Goat pasture.
Pluto will serve to further complicate and intensify already potent Saturnian themes. Their copresence emphasizes what has gotten lost in the underworld and needs to be rescued. Contrarily, it also points to badly aging patterns which desperately need to be read their last rites. Saturn and Pluto’s time together also specifically targets the United States, as this is Pluto’s return to the same place it was when the US was founded. Though fascinating, this particular point is beyond the scope of an already sizable article, and best dealt with in a space all its own. Look for that down the line.
Historical Context: The Triplicity Cycle
In addition to sharing Capricorn with Pluto, Saturn’s passage through the sign this time around is modified by the larger cycles which enclose it, particularly the cycle of Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions.
The Jupiter-Saturn cycle is one of astrology’s longest used and most reliable yardsticks for measuring history. The two planets conjoin every 20 years, providing a tool for examining history in two decade increments. But these 20 year cycles themselves make a larger pattern. For approximately 200 years at a time, the Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions occur in signs of the same element. This gives us 200 years of fire, earth, air, and then water. The Jupiter-Saturn cycle thus offers us not only the ability to study history in 20 year arcs, but also to look at the larger spans of history enclosed by the 200 year periods.
The two planets have been making conjunctions in Earth signs since the early 19th century, enclosing and timing the waves of industrial revolution and overseeing the transformation of our relationship to the material world that’s taken place over the last two centuries. The next Jupiter-Saturn conjunction, which occurs during the last days of 2020, will be in Aquarius, an Air sign. This conjunction will begin another 200 year cycle of conjunctions in Air signs, thus bringing an end to over two centuries of meeting under the auspices of Earth.
It is worth noting that there are two methods of calculating when the Jupiter-Saturn cycle shifts from one element to another, the apparent and the mean conjunctions. By the mean cycle, which is a mathematical idealization, we entered the Air cycle in the year 2000. It is the apparent conjunction, actually visible in the sky, which shifts us unequivocally into the Air cycle in 2020. Since 2000, we have been in an unusual period where the mean and apparent cycles clash, a fact which nicely illustrates the dissonant nature of our current times.
I have plans to write an extended treatment of the details of this cycle, but for now it is enough to note that Saturn’s time in Capricorn coincides not only with the last days of the decade, but also the last 3 years of a two-century cycle. It thus plays a complicated requiem for a pair of centuries which brought us both miraculous physical technologies and the most devastating, traumatic wars ever fought. There is thus an unmistakeable fin de sicle quality to Saturn’s passage through Capricorn this time. It is, in a very real sense, the end of an era.
Journey To The Center of the Past
As discussed, Saturn in Capricorn has a strong historical bias, one which is intensified by the copresence with Pluto in the Goat’s sign and the final years of the Earth Cycle.
The pull toward the past reaches back to the beginning of the 19th century, and everything which has happened since. There is a two-fold purpose to this siren-call from the tomb. The first is to recover all the valuables humanity cast aside in the frantic 19th and 20th century race to conquer the material world. The wisdom of grandfathers and grandmothers has been rejected by each ensuing generation for centuries now, and we are currently without the wisdom our forebears entered the 19th century with. This call from the past is not entirely new, and some of the more resilient heirloom seeds have already begun to germinate. Fresh shoots of old enchantments have begun to show through the cracks in the empire’s crude materialist pave-over. Nonetheless, there is still more work to do, more to remember, before we can move on.
Yet we are pulled backward not only to recover what was lost, but also to heal. Collective traumas are still embedded in the body of history, like so much shrapnel. The pain still emanating from them is currently the source of much madness and denial. To figure out how to heal from these traumas, the collective must return to them. The removal of the shrapnel, the extraction of the stone of madness, is necessary but perilous. Wreathed in scar-tissue, these pains have become a part of the landscape of things and extracting them is no easy task. Even once removed, it is difficult to know what to do with these prior embeds, as those who forget history tend to repeat it.
Saturn in Capricorn teaches the wisdom of fortification. Yet Saturn is a hard teacher, and often instructs via necessity. The Wintry lack of abundance which the slow planet often brings about squeezes resources within and without. The fitting response to a difficult environment is fortification — strengthening and reinforcing your position.
Imagine your world as a castle. In hard times, its walls must be able to repel intruders and keep safe those who dwell within. Not only that, but that same castle must have enough food to weather a siege. During times of duress, it is only common sense to hold on to what you have and protect it. Wisdom dictates you make the little piece of the world which is yours better organized, better defended and more fruitful. You dig deeper mines to find the gems hidden at its foundations. You examine your farming techniques, that your fields might be as productive as possible. You minimize your dependence on outside resources, and reduce your exposure to risk.
Yet the matter of fortification is not quite so simple. In prolonged defense of everything, we become fossilized. If we build our castle on a faultline, then our reserves, no matter how vast, will do us no good when the earthquake strikes. There is thus an important question hidden here: What territory are we prepared to concede, and what will we strengthen and defend?
The answer to this question may entail a hard look at your current position. Are you working in a dying industry, fingers crossed that the next round of job-cuts won’t include you? Have you leveraged yourself to the hilt, or bet the farm on the chance that everything will keep getting bigger and better? These are high-risk positions, not suited to the wintry years Saturn in Capricorn lords over. However, as I write this, there is still time to develop contingency plans and minimize unnecessary risks. There is time to locate the perfect portion of your reality upon which to build your Winter Palace. It may be a physical place, a spiritual place, a relationship or a skillset. Regardless of its nature, it will be your seat of strength, and deserves to be fortified.
Unfortunately, Saturn’s fortification-blessing has a dark side. Just as every structure can protect, it can also imprison. Every palace is a jail for those who are held there against their will. Historically, Saturn in Capricorn seems just as excited to build prisons as he is to aid in the construction of safe and productive lives. Astrologer Patrick Watson has recently done excellent work chronicling the history of these dire edifices.
Indeed, Saturn in Capricorn, being the empowered greater malefic, seems to take great pleasure in hunting those who have long evaded punishment. Here the solidity and weight of Saturn in Capricorn comes down hard, like an avalanche or a cave in, trapping and confining the fugitive.
The leaden planet’s time in Capricorn will undoubtedly be punctuated with stories of those whose evasions have finally come to an end. Indeed, the apprehension of the some of the most famous criminals in history occurred during Saturn’s previous visits to Capricorn, including the imprisonment of Al Capone, the notorious bootleg crime boss, and infamous cartel-king Pablo Escobar’s confinement in the La Catedral prison.
On a mythic level, I cannot help but be reminded of the backstory of the Monkey King from the Chinese literary classic Journey to the West. I will attempt to summarize it:
One upon a time, there was born a monkey smarter and stronger than all of the other monkeys. This Monkey quickly became the king of the monkey people. Once he’d attained this position, he set about thinking of ways to improve life for the monkey people. First and most obvious of the afflictions his people suffered was Death itself. The Monkey King, being anything but subtle, thought this would be a good place to start, so he snuck down into the Land of the Dead. After a little reconnaissance, he found the Record Keeper, whose documents give the life-span of every creature. Finding an opportunity, Monkey grabbed the papers which contained the life-span of all his beloved monkeys, and erased them, rendering his people effectively immortal.
Now, before long the Monkey King attracted attention from the gods, goddesses and celestial functionaries in Heaven. In order deal with him, it was first proposed that he be taken up to the paradisiacal realms and given a bullshit job to keep him out of trouble. The gods decided to make him the Minister of the Divine Orchards, in which the Peaches of Immortality grew. It sounded like an important job to Monkey, but in truth, the Orchards needed almost no tending, and the peach trees only yielded their fruit every thousand years or so. Eventually, the fruit ripened, and the hosts of heaven gathered for their millennial feast. To their dismay, they found Monkey passed out in the Orchard, his mouth and hands sticky with peach juice, surrounded by cores of ravished fruit.
Denied the divine nectar of the Peaches of Immortality, the celestial hosts were furious with Monkey. They locked him in Lao Tzu’s mighty 8-Trigram Furnace to incinerate him. After weeks in the starfire crucible, they opened it, only to find that not only was monkey not reduced to ash, the furnace had merely made him stronger. The Peaches of Immortality he’d consumed had rendered him immune to the flame.
Freshly-forged, Monkey went on a rampage of mischief. The gods tried repeatedly to stop him, even bringing the entire might of the Army of Heaven against him. Monkey, of course, defeated them handily, creating chaos on both heaven and earth in the process.
Exasperated, the gods collectively turned toward the Buddha to solve this problem. The Buddha smiled gently, and nodded, a solution already in mind.
Monkey was lounging in a field, reflecting on his own excellence, when suddenly he noticed mountains in the distance which hadn’t been there a moment ago. He turned and counted them… 1, 2, 3, 4, 5! Five new and rather imposing mountains in the distance, all around. He looked up and saw the clouds had taken the shape of immense, kind face. The Buddha smiled down at Monkey and said, “Monkey, you know how much trouble you are causing for everyone. Please stop.” To which Monkey responded with a particularly loud fart. The Buddha smiled and continued, “Monkey, you can persist in your mischief if you can escape the reach of my hand.” Monkey laughed, leaped into the air, and started turning Cloud Somersaults, which allowed him to travel thousands of miles at a time. After traveling to the other end of the earth, Monkey dropped down with a smirk. Monkey looked around and saw that the same five strange mountains were in the distance, surrounding him. His grin dissolved. The Buddha’s face reappeared above him, and the mountains began to close in on him from all directions. To his chagrin, he realized that they weren’t mountains. They were the Buddha’s finger-tips. Buddha, having become identical with the Everything-And-Nothing, could not be escaped. The Buddha closed his hand into a fist, trapping Monkey. He then placed a mountain on top of Monkey, and put a spell of the greatest power on it, sealing Monkey securely beneath the mountain.
Monkey King would stay confined for 500 years, until Kwan Yin, the Buddha of Compassion, offered him a chance at redemption in order to accompany and protect a young monk on a perilous Journey to the West.
The Monkey King’s story illustrates a few points relevant to Saturn’s time in Capricorn. The first is that even the most powerful eventually discover the limits of their potency. To know your limits and respect them is a crucial Saturnian virtue. Furthermore, in Monkey’s case, confinement was a necessary precursor to redemption. Sometimes we must restrain ourselves, or be restrained, until we return to a proper state of mind.
Sadly, it will not be wisdom alone which confines people during Saturn’s time in Capricorn. Yet let us pray for justice to find the loathsome, and for those who become a threat to themselves and others to be compassionately restrained until their sanity returns.
The Eye of Time
In addition to fueling works of fortification, Saturn in Capricorn also offers the capacity to understand Time and your movement through it. Saturn’s eye sees trajectories, inevitabilities, choices and crossroads. It is the eye of time, hourglass-pupiled and wise.
When we gaze through it, we become both patient and ready. We seize the day when it is ripe, and let it pass us by when its fruit is still bitter. Seeing time, we understand timing. We become wise. We save our hope for what can be changed, and reserve our fear for moments of real danger.
Time does not teach us action or inaction, but their relationship to one another, and how to alternate wisely between the two. This chronological binary is the percussion section of Time’s orchestra. Sound and silence alternate, but so too do movement and stillness. Time is thus the mother not only of drummers, but of dancers.
Yet what we see through the eye of time is not always easy to bear. If we gaze into the past, as the historian does, we discover tragedy after tragedy. Massacres leave behind mountains of bone, burnt books become deserts of ash. Though there are shining golden ages to inspire us, they are the exception, not the rule.
The future also intimidates. Legends are full of unhappy prophets. Likewise, the gods and goddesses of fate are rarely, if ever, depicted as jolly or inspiring. To see suffering coming ahead of time is a burden, yet that burden is the price of foresight.
To extend your vision into both the future and the past, to obtain the goat’s wide horizontal gaze, you must be able to accept what you see. This is a challenge, for there are always events hiding in both the future and the past which will exceed your current emotional capacity. The blessings of Hindsight and Foresight, the Titans Epithemius and Prometheus, are not without price. Indeed, in Greek myth, the brother-titans both suffered greatly for their gifts.
Though there is a price to extending your vision, the benefits are manifold. Not only do the secrets of rhthym and timing unfold, but so too does the great law of cause-and-effect. Indeed, there is no learning, no wisdom-with-age, without understanding this law. Whether the passage of time will improve a person’s character and skill depends greatly on whether they can look back and see the results of their past actions. Attention paid will result in a refinement of virtue and method. Action without later reflection will result in no improvement over time.
Though it is at times a burden, learning to see through the Goat’s hourglass eyes allows us to make progress, to learn from our mistakes, to be prepared for difficult times and to cherish good ones.
Saturn’s time in Capricorn has often coincided with tectonic shifts to the landscape of human reality. While such transitions are necessary and sometimes favorable, they are nonetheless jarring. They make old maps unusable, and deny the comfort of the familiar.
When the world a person expects no longer fits the reality they encounter, they are left without a guidance system for action. When a situation calls for action, but there is no framework for it, anxiety results. Anxiety, when sufficiently magnified, becomes panic.
Panic is most common in the face of disasters, which change the nature of the environment rapidly, leaving no time to develop optimal adaptations. Fittingly, the root of the word “disaster” is a combination of “dis” and “astra,” the roots of “bad” and “star.”
In addition to natural disasters, there are also human disasters. The most prominent of these is when a man-built system suddenly ceases to work in the manner in which it was intended. The best remembered of these are financial disasters, which facilitate financial panics. Saturn in Capricorn has looked over a number of these, including both the panic which began the Great Depression, as well as the Panic of 1873, the previous low-water mark for the American economy.
Panic has a particularly interesting etymology. It is a term with direct reference to the Greek god Pan. This may seem odd or out-of-character, as Pan is usually depicted as a charming sylvan rogue, forever chasing dryads and river nymphs, yet it is very much the case.
From the Wikipedia entry —
The word derives from antiquity and is a tribute to the ancient god, Pan. One of the many gods in the mythology of ancient Greece: Pan was the god of shepherds and of woods and pastures. The Greeks believed that he often wandered peacefully through the woods, playing a pipe, but when accidentally awakened from his noontime nap he could give a great shout that would cause flocks to stampede. From this aspect of Pan’s nature Greek authors derived the word panikon, “sudden fear,” the ultimate source of the English word: ‘panic’
Thus, the historical pattern of mass panic occurring during Saturn in Capricorn reinforces the symbolic linkage of the Goat and Goat-Headed God, Pan, both known for their jarring yell. In addition to the fact that panics result from disasters and accidents, it is also worth considering the fact that panic has been used as a hunting method by humans since prehistoric times. Using loud noises, hunters would spook a herd, causing them to stampede off of a cliff.
There are at least two lessons to be taken from this. One, panic is a hunting technique used on groups. Unfortunately, it is not beyond the morality of some possessing great power to use hunting techniques on people. You create a panic and you offer only one exit. The herd, whether bovine or human, will race for it, trampling each other in order to reach “safety,” real or percieved. Some panics are engineered to drive public opinion or money into the only visible exit. Thus, as you watch the world over the next few years, consider the intentions of the shepherds.
Fortunately, panic can be avoided with preparation. Panic only occurs when there is a rupture in your world, where you are taken off-map and out-of-scenario. Working through scenarios ahead of time, and developing plans A, B and C will prevent panic from taking over when A doesn’t work out. This sounds a lot like “prepping,” and it is. Unfortunately, “preppers” generally over-prepare for one particularly apocalyptic scenario, which does not actually function as an effective adaptation to the many, many non-apocalyptic difficulties which are much more likely to occur. Walk yourself, mentally, though the very real scenarios, rather than only through the worst-case. If I lost my job, what would my move be? If I got really sick, what would my move be? If my investments tanked, what would my move be? Working through these situations, as well as the fear they inspire, ahead of time, will allow you to function much more optimally if they do occur.
One excellent examplar of this type of awareness was Napoleon Boneparte, who was born with both Pluto and the Moon in Capricorn. Napoleon made a regular practice of quietly visualizing everything which could go wrong in the chaos of a military engagement. In his own words —
“If I always appear prepared, it is because before entering an undertaking, I have meditated long and have foreseen what might occur. It is not genius which reveals to me suddenly and secretly what I should do in circumstances unexpected by others; it is thought and preparation.”
The Ant and the Grasshopper
A survey of the above-described themes makes it difficult not to consider the parable of
“The Ant and the Grasshopper,” at least for those of us raised on Aesop. For those unfamiliar with the story, it goes something like this —
In a field one summer’s day, a Grasshopper was hopping about, chirping and singing to its heart’s content. An Ant passed by, bearing along with great effort some corn he was taking to the nest.
“Why not come and chat with me,” said the Grasshopper, “instead of toiling and moiling in that way?”
“I am helping to lay up food for the winter,” said the Ant, “and recommend you to do the same.”
“Why bother about winter?” said the Grasshopper, “we’ve got plenty of food all around us!” But the Ant went on its way and continued its toil.
When winter came the Grasshopper found itself dying of hunger, while seeing the ants distributing, every day, corn and grain from the stores they had collected in summer.
It was then the Grasshopper knew… it is best to prepare for the days of necessity.
It goes without saying that Saturn in Capricorn is thoroughly pro-ant, and that grasshoppers will find themselves hungrier than expected during its long winter. Yet this is a children’s tale, and necessarily lacking somewhat in subtlety. Some ants will find that they’ve dug their nest and larder on faultlines, and find that industry alone is not a sufficient virtue. Other ants, though proud of their toil and its fruits, will relent and take care of their irascible grasshopper friends. Finally, some grasshoppers will smell the snow coming and undergo a metamorphosis, trading their leaping limbs for sturdy backs. Regardless of the many ways the story might play out, look to Ant as teacher and guide during the coming years.
The Opportunity
Looking at Saturn’s time in Capricorn, we inevitably find ourselves gazing at some rather grim landscapes. The chill of Winter and the cries of crows cannot be wholly ignored. Yet if we can accept that vision, and sit with it, it becomes clear that there is much we can learn during such a time which is impossible to glean during sunnier moments.
Saturn’s time in Capricorn offers us a chance to fortify what we would see endure. Become both the architect and the brick-layer, and build cathedrals to honor and protect what we hold most dear. The cold eye which Saturn points at rickety buildings and unstable systems is also a gift, as it allows us to see what must inevitably collapse and extricate ourselves from it.
Saturn in Capricorn also brings the opportunity to become patient and enduring, to learn how to see things in a wider context. It offers us the opportunity to look through the eyes of time. Bad days, even bad years, disappear when set against the backdrop of an entire lifetime. That larger awareness of time puts things in their proper place, keeping high and low points from distorting our perceptions and expectations. The same awareness of time not only grants us greater preserverence and patience on a personal level, it also allows us to watch history unfold without feeling the fight-or-flight adrenal response which social media and the 24-hour news cycle are designed to evoke and exploit, tempting panic. It also grants us the opportunity to recover and digest our own history on a familial, cultural and global level. Those who learn from history have the chance to change the future, and those who commune with their ancestors have the chance to make sure that what is valuable is passed on, and that worn-out patterns are laid to final rest.
Brilliant. Thank you for this profound and illuminating piece. I will be referring back to it often over the next few years.
Thank you for writing this.
You’re welcome! I’m glad you liked it. It’s the kind of work I always want to do. However, please reserve a moment of gratitude for the people who support me on patreon. I’m only able to spend the time it takes to do big write-ups like this because of them.
Excellent piece, again, Austin. Bravo. I have been reluctant, along with many others, to fully accept the “great malefic” as a partner. Now I know that with my Moon in Capricorn and Sun in Aquarius that I overlook Saturn at my own peril. The look back at Saturn’s pass through Cap the last two times (yes, I am old) helps me get perspective about where the next 5 years of Saturns journey through the zodiac will take us all. When I was a 7 year old during Saturn’s pass through Cap in 1960 my mother died. 30 years ago, I had to work though a life-changing addiction to alcohol and cocaine. This time I regretfully am focusing on Trump. I hope at the end of the next 5 years Trump is not in the same position Hitler was in 1934 during that 5 year period of Saturn’s journey.
Happy Holidays–Bryan
Awesome, as a Capricorn with Pluto conjuncting his son and a chiropractor, I found this invaluable. But that is how I always find your work. Thank you…
Oh boy, Oh boy, here we go. As an ex grasshopper I fear for all the homies. “Our bodies a temple of our ancestors” just perfect.
That would be fin de siecle, not sicle. (Francophile here). Thanks to the Patreons, thanks to you. Interesting take on house 5 transit. Lots of budgeting for everyone I imagine, lots of plans. What is not alluded to so much in this article is the psychological aspect of Pluto. There is a bore tunneling going on I think. A churning that Uranus will no longer be erupting. I wonder if Saturn will be deconstructing in the first Decan, 2018, and the plans for rebuild start getting worked on Decan 2, w the finish in the third year. The using of the new construct ready for the new administration that houses it so to speak in Aquarius. With Mars here in a day chart I am so very curious what will be built. Love the built environment. Still not sure how the psyche will experience this extra Saturnian layer. Inner authority? Containment? Repression? Cleaning up the previous Pluto/Uranus stuff? Hmmmm.
Thank you for the spelling correction.
And yes, I didn’t spend much space directly addressing the Pluto stuff, although you’ll note that it shades a number of my interpretations. In my opinion, Saturn-Pluto is its own article, just as it is its own cycle. Hopefully I’ll have time to write that one.
Old construct given last rites. LOVE this. Rebuild. Death and Rebirth. Pluto/Saturn in Earth, actual material evidence. Exciting stuff.
As always, very insightful and helpful for the novice ‘wanna be’ astrologer in me. A hopeful outlook is how I choose to see it’s strength in the next five years and so necessary. It’s almost like perfect timing considering the madness of our political system. Putting my head down and powering through next years.
Interesting. Very interesting. Under Pluto I lost my two closest friends, my mother and my second brother. Idk if I can take much more of this, now adding Saturn. I have a Saggitarius rising so also endured a visit from those two messing with my ascendant sign. How much can we endure? Idk but very into survival mode for too long now! Somehow in this season of Cap. feeling lighthearted. Yet, watching events in Russia so alarming. Watching events in US so alarming. It is all under reconstruction. There will be a reckoning of ways. We all have to account for our actions and ways. There will be a reckoning. Life is short. Let it rock.
Thank you for the depth and eloquence of your insights on the actions of Saturn and Capricorn. Are there other resources you would suggest to supplement an understanding of these celestial figures? You did mention a few times not having enough space in this article to give all you wished to aspects of the topic. And what sources would you recommend, if any, to understand the influence of Saturn and Capricorn on a specific person?
To understand how it will impact a particular person, you need the natal chart, and the capacity to understand the natal chart. Start with the house that Capricorn occupies in the natal chart, and whether there are any planets in Capricorn natally. If you have any astrologer friends, by all means hit them up. There are also a number of good professional astrologers out there.
Jupiter and Saturn did give us a taste of their visual conjunction (and therefore the 200-year cycle to come) in 1980/81 when they conjoined in Libra.
They most certainly did! That type of “premature conjunction” is not rare when the elemental ages are about to change. I think it’s one of the reasons that the return to the apparent earth cycle in 2000 was so disappointing. 1980 -> 2000 brought the end of the cold war, the spread of personal computing and the hopeful dawn of the internet. Since 2000, the developments have been considerably less heartening. “Oh, more of this…”
Anyway, there is a lot to say about the J/Sat elemental model of history. Hopefully I’ll find the time over the next month or two to write it up.
While some people may be shaking in their boots, I am looking forward to Saturn in Capricorn. As a 17 degree Taurus with a 10 degree Virgo moon and a 6 degree Leo rising, Saturn in Capricorn will go on to trine my Mercury, Sun and Venus in the 10th house and my Moon and Jupiter in my 2nd house. Can’t wait. Yes, there may be a few speed bumps along the way but (from 1988-1994) I moved into creating a new career for myself. The recession tore me down and now I’m building a new career that I’m creating for myself.
Simply stunning in scope and meaning. As one with a Capricorn Sun & Moon, I found this particularly helpful and beautifully written. Thank you. Blessings to you and yours this holiday season!
[…] were some astrological curveballs in the mix – most notably The Great American Eclipse™– but Saturn’s shift into Capricorn just before the Solstice is perhaps the most important, and definitely the heaviest. This is where […]
great prep info! can certainly feel it coming, gotta share w/EVERYONE! grazi milli!
Wow. This is a voluminous and powerful piece. Your efforts here are appreciated!
10 days after reading it, and I’m still going back to re-read parts, or share with friends. I suspect this will be the case for some time to come 🙂
In addition to being an Astrologer’s Astrologer, you are also quite the poet. Your imagery is always on point, and this (by sheer length) is a tour de force.
this is so, so perfect as i am entering my second saturn return year this year (7° capricorn). i was especially drawn into your section on Pan(ic) and clearly remember sitting 8 1/2 months pregnant, saturn exactly on my saturn during my 1st return (uranus & pluto hanging out there too) when the 1989 earthquake hit in the santa cruz mountains. i was sitting up on a remote hill in oregon. we were about to watch game one of the bay area world series when the tv went blank. there was no phone, just a “radio phone” which was really just a glorified walkie talkie. santa cruz had been my home for many years before i moved to oregon. my husband and i were married there. (saturn is in my 4th house). doing a saturn return while pregnant is interesting as so much of it is internalized (well, it was for me anyway). i did a lot of my “review” work through my dreams instead of during my waking hours. anyway, i knew i couldn’t panic when we finally got word about the quake. i had been preparing my personal “emergency kit” through the pregnancy. of course i was worried about all my friends but i had to take the position of the “witness” (ram dass talks about the witness a lot, taking a step back and being an observer instead of my usual diving into everything headfirst {aries sun}). a huge part of preparing for this 2nd saturn return has been looking at my last one. thanks for helping me to remember a very big this piece of the puzzle!
[…] ‘Strength’, ‘Character,’ ‘Sharing/Connecting’ and ‘Knowledge/Wisdom.’ (How Saturnian!) They could be ‘innovation’, ‘confidence’, ‘willpower’, ‘peace’, […]
This article is brilliant. I especially enjoyed the Monkey King story. Thank you so much for your dedication and generosity in sharing these insights!
[…] For more information on this topic see Austin’s article on Saturn in Capricorn. […]
[…] Since I don’t write daily/weekly/monthly/annual horoscopes myself, I’m always on the lookout to share the best ones I can find. Austin Coppock has written beautifully about Saturn’s current tour through Capricorn, so don&#… […]
Capricorn here with Pluto transiting over my natal Sun trine Uranus and Pluto conjunction in the 9th house in Virgo.
Superb painting of the picture.
Capricorn on the cusp of Aquarius and Dragon, and arriving in to my tenth house soon (whatever that means?) And supposing a triad of earth, air and fire, at times of Saturn’s embrace, I welcome your insights to be grounded, throwing caution to the winds of change, while keeping faith that the fires will keep me warm and sheltered through this winter season. Perhaps it is time to welcome a pieces for blessings of water to my realms; for balance and for sufficiency, of my ant persona uprising. My passion is veganism – for the sake of the earth, the skies, the seas, for animal inhabitants of my dearly beloved grasshoppers to due cause of humanitarian efforts. I hope respectfully, that the collective nature of chaos be as a pendulum to the core value of veganism and humanitarianism, be the all encompassing focus of herding, for that is indeed, the unity by which a new story allegorically is being written, where the protagonists of Capricorn Aquarius Saturn triad (guardianship mentor judge accountability of the heart filled dragon) find pleasure in the unification of the roundup, for not only the ambitions and labor’s of our ancestors dreams to come to fruition, but for the synergistic outreach for our kin – for all generations to follow. What of one were trapped or imprisoned by panic on a desert island and there were no food to eat but that of hunting? Let’s all look to the earth, as even the birds themselves consume berries from deeply rooted tree tops, for their survival. The earth – the dear earth, is legend to that which succeeds us our legends of our love and of our labor’s. Let’s all be good monks and monkeys to the harvest of peaches before the great Buddha’s in the sky, so the mountains do not close in on us and our beloved. Let’s all be vegan with clear conscience to the justices of Saturn’s eyewitness.
(Capricorn on the cusp of Aquarius and Dragon, and arriving in to my tenth house soon – whatever that means; and supposing a triad of earth, air and fire, at times of Saturn’s embrace if im right about that?) I welcome your insights to be grounded, throwing caution to the winds of change, while keeping faith that the fires will keep the hearths warm and sheltered through this winter season. (Perhaps it is time for me to welcome a pisces for blessings of water to my realms; for balance and for sufficiency, of my ant persona uprising.) My passion is veganism – for the sake of the earth, the skies, the seas, for animal inhabitants of my dearly beloved grasshoppers to due cause of humanitarian efforts. I hope respectfully, that the collective nature of chaos be as a pendulum to the core value of veganism and humanitarianism, be the all encompassing focus of herding, for that is indeed, the unity by which a new story allegorically is being written, where the protagonists of monkeys find pleasure in the unification of the roundup; for not only the ambitions and labor’s of our ancestors dreams to come to fruition, but for the synergistic outreach for our kin – for all generations to follow. What if one were trapped or imprisoned by panic on a desert island and there were no food to eat but that of hunting? Let’s all look to the earth, as even the birds themselves consume berries from deeply rooted tree tops, for their survival. The earth – the dear earth, is legend to that which succeeds us our legends of our love and of our labor’s. Let’s all be good monks and monkeys to the harvest of peaches before the great Buddha’s in the sky, so the mountains do not close in on us and our beloved. Let’s all be vegan with clear conscience to the justices of Saturn’s eyewitness.
America, if not humanity at large, is a toxic cyst begging to be pierced. Let the unprepared wilt. Play by the rules or else, no matter how absurd the rules have become. It is time to survive. We squandered our potential to thrive, and to those who heed the forthcoming beck and call, waste not your breath on attempting to wake the fellow man. Save yourself, through sheer forth of independent hardy will. Bleakly stare into the abyss. Man is as free as what he can afford to let alone.
[…] Since I don’t write daily/weekly/monthly/annual horoscopes myself, I’m always on the lookout to share the best ones I can find. Austin Coppock has written beautifully about Saturn’s current tour through Capricorn. View Full Article about it here! […]
[…] in the next year or two seems to fit rather well(and indeed in a surprisingly positive way) with some of the overall space-weather that will have influence on the next couple of years. There are also a couple of persimmon trees obscured behind the others here that fruited pretty […]
[…] Saturno ingresó a Capricornio, el signo que rige, y donde dispone mayor potencia, a finales de diciembre del 2017 y estará en este signo hasta el 2020. Este periodo tiene esta duración debido a los movimientos aparentes retrógrados, que hacen que Saturno parezca regresarse en su viaje por las constelaciones y permanezca más tiempo dentro de una misma. Desde el 17 de abril hasta el 6 de septiembre Saturno estará en retrógrado. Los astrólogos interpretan el movimiento retrógrado como un tiempo de reflexión, de detenimiento, de alentamiento, de desconexión -y también como una oportunidad para retomar fuerzas, planear y volver a intentar superar algunos de los grandes escollos que repetidamente nos impiden florecer. Saturno es el planeta de los límites y los obstáculos, y esto suele generar frustración y dolor, pero, como aprendemos con el tiempo, esto es necesarios para crecer. Saturno en Capricornio puede ser un tiempo muy depresivo, contraído, poco fluido, y adverso para la salud, especialmente para los huesos, los dientes y en general las estructuras (todo esto es regido por Saturno) y para las rodillas (que rige Capricornio). Esto se acentúa en aquellas personas que tienen planetas en su carta que hacen aspectos con este tránsito – y todo esto puede ser aún más difícil durante el retrógrado-. Sin embargo, es también una gran oportunidad para poner las cosas en orden, encontrar una estructura sólida que nos permita navegar la realidad y desarrollar fortaleza ante la adversidad. El retrógrado también nos da una nueva oportunidad, como si el tiempo se regresará y nos dijera: allí viene otras vez la prueba. El astrólogo Austin Coppock describe así Saturno en Capricornio: […]
[…] Saturno ingresó a Capricornio, el signo que rige y donde dispone de mayor potencia, a finales de diciembre del 2017 y estará en este signo hasta el 2020. Este período tiene esta duración debido a los aparentes movimientos retrógrados, que hacen que Saturno parezca regresar en su viaje por las constelaciones y permanezca más tiempo dentro de la misma. Desde el 17 de abril hasta el 6 de septiembre Saturno estará retrógrado. Los astrólogos interpretan el movimiento retrógrado como un tiempo de reflexión, detenimiento, alentamiento, desconexión, y también como una oportunidad para retomar fuerzas, planear y volver a intentar superar algunos de los grandes escollos que repetidamente nos impiden florecer. Saturno es el planeta de los límites y los obstáculos y esto suele generar frustración y dolor pero, como aprendemos con el tiempo, esto es necesario para crecer. Saturno en Capricornio puede ser un tiempo muy depresivo, contraído, poco fluido y adverso para la salud, especialmente para los huesos, los dientes y en general las estructuras (todo esto es regido por Saturno) y para las rodillas (que rige Capricornio). Esto se acentúa en aquellas personas que tienen planetas en su carta que hacen aspectos con este tránsito -y todo esto puede ser aún más difícil durante el retrógrado-. Sin embargo, es también una gran oportunidad para poner las cosas en orden, encontrar una estructura sólida que nos permita navegar la realidad y desarrollar fortaleza ante la adversidad. El retrógrado también nos da una nueva oportunidad, como si el tiempo se regresara y nos dijera: allí viene otra vez la prueba. El astrólogo Austin Coppock describe así el momento de Saturno en Capricornio: […]
[…] Saturno ingresó a Capricornio, el signo que rige y donde dispone de mayor potencia, a finales de diciembre del 2017 y estará en este signo hasta el 2020. Este período tiene esta duración debido a los aparentes movimientos retrógrados, que hacen que Saturno parezca regresar en su viaje por las constelaciones y permanezca más tiempo dentro de la misma. Desde el 17 de abril hasta el 6 de septiembre Saturno estará retrógrado. Los astrólogos interpretan el movimiento retrógrado como un tiempo de reflexión, detenimiento, alentamiento, desconexión, y también como una oportunidad para retomar fuerzas, planear y volver a intentar superar algunos de los grandes escollos que repetidamente nos impiden florecer. Saturno es el planeta de los límites y los obstáculos y esto suele generar frustración y dolor pero, como aprendemos con el tiempo, esto es necesario para crecer. Saturno en Capricornio puede ser un tiempo muy depresivo, contraído, poco fluido y adverso para la salud, especialmente para los huesos, los dientes y en general las estructuras (todo esto es regido por Saturno) y para las rodillas (que rige Capricornio). Esto se acentúa en aquellas personas que tienen planetas en su carta que hacen aspectos con este tránsito -y todo esto puede ser aún más difícil durante el retrógrado-. Sin embargo, es también una gran oportunidad para poner las cosas en orden, encontrar una estructura sólida que nos permita navegar la realidad y desarrollar fortaleza ante la adversidad. El retrógrado también nos da una nueva oportunidad, como si el tiempo se regresara y nos dijera: allí viene otra vez la prueba. El astrólogo Austin Coppock describe así el momento de Saturno en Capricornio: […]
[…] Saturno ingresó a Capricornio, el signo que rige y donde dispone de mayor potencia, a finales de diciembre del 2017 y estará en este signo hasta el 2020. Este período tiene esta duración debido a los aparentes movimientos retrógrados, que hacen que Saturno parezca regresar en su viaje por las constelaciones y permanezca más tiempo dentro de la misma. Desde el 17 de abril hasta el 6 de septiembre Saturno estará retrógrado. Los astrólogos interpretan el movimiento retrógrado como un tiempo de reflexión, detenimiento, alentamiento, desconexión, y también como una oportunidad para retomar fuerzas, planear y volver a intentar superar algunos de los grandes escollos que repetidamente nos impiden florecer. Saturno es el planeta de los límites y los obstáculos y esto suele generar frustración y dolor pero, como aprendemos con el tiempo, esto es necesario para crecer. Saturno en Capricornio puede ser un tiempo muy depresivo, contraído, poco fluido y adverso para la salud, especialmente para los huesos, los dientes y en general las estructuras (todo esto es regido por Saturno) y para las rodillas (que rige Capricornio). Esto se acentúa en aquellas personas que tienen planetas en su carta que hacen aspectos con este tránsito -y todo esto puede ser aún más difícil durante el retrógrado-. Sin embargo, es también una gran oportunidad para poner las cosas en orden, encontrar una estructura sólida que nos permita navegar la realidad y desarrollar fortaleza ante la adversidad. El retrógrado también nos da una nueva oportunidad, como si el tiempo se regresara y nos dijera: allí viene otra vez la prueba. El astrólogo Austin Coppock describe así el momento de Saturno en Capricornio: […]
Thank you for such inspiration! I am so grateful to have read your amazing and enlightening Piece on Saturn in Capricorn!
It will trine my Moon, Venus, Mars and Mercury. I am pleased about that and now will need to refresh myself on those aspects. But that is just an aside. You are such a unique Writer. You left me filled with understanding and determination. I didn’t want it to end, ever. I had been hunting for meaning to Saturn in Capricorn and found you through reading an article by Patrick
Watson. Just know how much you helped
me with my Saturn in Gemini! Bravo to your way of writing! It is so interesting and thought provoking and uplifting!
Carole Tru Foster
[…] we got all excited about Jupiter in Sagittarius, we were excited (in maybe a different way) over Saturn in Capricorn. This is Saturn’s home and it means that while Jupiter offers us opportunities to expand, […]
most astrologers have a ‘earth and beyond’ approach, i like how your point of view ‘starts’ in the library on the third floor of your cloud castle in the sky,
i have goats around here in Kinmundy, Illinois, and they would rather stand on a pile of rubble than a sandy paddock. This Saturn symbol seems like capitalism and politics keeps getting people filthy climbing to the top of a pile of rubble and garbage.
Goats think this is fun, and munch on the garbage.
Makes it hard for the dogs(Sagittarius and Pisces) to nip at them.
Dogs(Pisces) think its fun when the goat(Saturn, Uranus) has to eventually come down from the mountain to get a drink of water(truth).
In Native American Zodiac Pisces is the wolf, patiently waiting for the mountain goats tedious climb to be over to dive in for the kill when the prey is weak and back on level terms.
[…] more on Saturn, see Austin Coppock’s article or webinar, or listen to episode 104 of The Astrology […]
Re: your horoscope for Capricorn, check out the Feldenkrais Method—it is a much more apt modality for this metaphor than chiropractic. Rather than readjusting the skeleton from the outside, the FM guides the participant through movements (mostly lying down, taking off the stress of staying upright in gravity) which enable discovery by the (exquisitely sensitive and adaptable) nervous system of the optimal trajectories of ground force through the structure of the skeleton, which are routinely occluded by habits of imbalance, asymmetry, and resultant chronic muscle tension. Once these much less effortful and more pleasurable pathways are revealed to the nervous system, it tends to prefer them. Structure becomes better organized by choice, not by force.
Thank you Austin
So much more to read from you and thanks to the support of the others along side you that you may share with us.
Mindfully preparing for my exploration into Saturn in Capricorn and beyond.
Kindest thoughts Jacquelin Australian Aquarian.
Reading this post now is kinda mind-blowing.
Excellent and beautifully written.
Thank you.