The Lady's 180
November 17, 2010
Crossroads Considerations: Merc RX
December 11, 2010This week the Moon wanes its way back to the Sun, with the New Moon waiting for us this Sunday. The early sees Venus return to Scorpio after her brief holiday in Libra and also witness’ Mercury’s entrance into Capricorn and subsequent conjunction with Pluto.
The Crossroads Staircase
Mercury leaves Sagittarius this week, entering Capricorn on Tuesday, November 30th. This changes the tone and energy of communications considerably, bringing the frantic pace back down to earth. Expect thoughts and plans to get heavier and more concrete as Mercury slows in preparation for his retrograde station on December 10th.
Mercury’s entry into Capricorn brings the foot-winged messenger within range of dark Pluto, who sits, considering what must be sacrificed to push evolution onward. The meeting between the psychopomp and old Yama will involve the disclosure and discussion of hidden matters, and will preside over pivotal decisions Mercury completes his conjunction with Pluto on Sunday the 5th, but is scheduled to make not one, but two more, conjunctions to Pluto before the retrograde cycle is complete. The second, retrograde conjunction occurs on December 14th, with the third in the series not occurring until January 17th, giving us a time frame for big plans that serious discussions that begin this week.
Though Mercury’s retrograde is still a bit in the distance, we’re well within the degrees that Mercury will retrograde back through. Keep your eyes peeled for developing problems and you may be able to catch a few issues in the early stages.
Back Into The Tunnels
After a brief holiday in Libra, Venus plunges back into Scorpio early this week. After hopefully having regained a bit of emotional equilibrium, we’ll confront this Fall’s difficult emotional issues again, but this time with the map we’ll need to make it back out the other side. For a refresher course on the themes and issues this cycle is concerned with, you may want to peruse “Love’s Basement.”
Aries: The Ram
Mercury’s movement into Capricorn spotlights important professional communications. Meanwhile Venus’ re-entry into Scorpio brings you back to the issues surrounding mutual resources and team projects that you dealt with earlier in the season.
Taurus: The Bull
Mercury’s movement into Capricorn highlights complications in travel plans as well as questions about where, exactly, your long term plans are taking you. Meanwhile, Venus’ re-entry into Scorpio brings the emotional focus back to the relationship issues you dealt with earlier this Fall.
Gemini: The Twins
Mercury’s movement into Capricorn spotlights communications about how mutual resources are split or shared. There’s likely a knot in this issue you’re going to have to massage out with that silver tongue. Meanwhile, Venus’ re-entry into Scorpio highlights the issues with your physical and fiscal health which came up earlier this Fall. You took care of that, right?
Cancer: The Crab
Mercury’s movement into Capricorn spotlights complicated communications within your relationships. Important conversations and devious plans are afoot. Meanwhile, Venus’ re-entry into Scorpio returns your passions to the creative but confused place they were in earlier this Fall. Hopefully you’ve figured out how to negotiate the territory.
Leo: The Lion
Mercury’s movement into Capricorn highlights technical difficulties and a number of little problems you’ll need to solve in order to get things running smoothly. Meanwhile, Venus’ re-entry into Scorpio returns you, emotionally, to the fundamental issues of home and family that you were dealing with earlier in the Fall, though hopefully on a less confused note.
Virgo: The Virgin
Mercury’s movement into Capricorn sees you sinking into some serious thoughts about your love life as well as life style. Essentially, you begin pondering exactly what you’re doing with your creative energy. Meanwhile, Venus’ re-entry into Scorpio sees your emotional energies infusing and invading your thought patterns. The lessons you learned this Fall about how to control your mind and then tongue will come into play once more.
Libra: The Scales
Mercury’s movement into Capricorn sees the focus of communications shift towards home and family. Expect to find and iron out a few misconceptions here. Meanwhile, Venus’ re-entry into Scorpio sees your emotional focus return to your wallet, reconsidering the income arrangements you made earlier this Fall.
Scorpio: The Scorpion
Mercury’s entrance into Capricorn sees your thoughts turn to focus on…themselves. Mercury in Capricorn will highlight the structure of your own thought process, as well as the kinks in said process. Meanwhile, Venus’ re-entry into your sign sees you return to the emotional transformation that’s taken place this Fall.
Sagittarius: The Archer
Mercury’s entrance into Capricorn sees your thoughts turn to the contents of your wallet and the issues therein. Consequential conversations and considerations abound. Meanwhile, Venus’ return to Scorpio returns you to the subconscious emotions you struggled with earlier this Fall.
Capricorn: The Goat
Mercury’s entrance into your sign this week spotlights the role you’re planning in the plans unfolding around you. What exactly are you doing, again? Meanwhile, Venus’ return to Scorpio this week brings up feelings about your friends and social circle that you struggled with earlier this Fall.
Aquarius: The Water-Bearer
Mercury’s entrance into Capricorn this week sees you considering the rules you so often ignore, learning something about the world and yourself in the process. Meanwhile, Venus’ return to Scorpio this week brings your passions back to the professional connections that held most of your heart hostage earlier this Fall.
Pisces: The Fishes
Mercury’s entrance into Capricorn this week sees serious communications with contacts aswell as considerations about how to make the most out of your social network. Meanwhile, Venus’ re-entry to Scorpio sees your attention return to questions about your bigger life direction, as well literal travel plans.
Sol in Sagittarius, Luna in Virgo
If you find yourself a little confused by the strange waters of the season, or interested in a personalized map of those yet to come, consider a consultation. Send inquiries to
That first image of mercury, mercpsycho as you would say, is awesome. That’s totally what mercury conjunct pluto would look like.
My favorite quote: “There’s likely a knot in this issue you’re going to have to massage out with that silver tongue.”
I like that pluto and the north node are in a conjunction, I wonder if they still will be by the time mercury goes retrograde.
Both Pluto and the N. Node will still be closely conjunct, though not to the minute, for the rest of the month. And that image of Mercury doing his oral-tractor-pull-to-hell bit is amazing. Little gobs of joy caught fire in my brain when I found it.