Aug. 22nd-28th: 'Round The Wheel Goes
August 22, 2011
The Virgo/Porno Complex
August 29, 2011The week begins as a new lunar cycle unfolds. No Cardinal Crosses, no Mercury retrograde. This week begins with a set of dynamics that will be with us for the next 3 weeks, an overstock of planets in Earth Signs pushing us to focus on physical and fiscal matters. Meanwhile, Jupiter stations retrograde in Taurus on the Tuesday, raising questions about growth for persons and nations alike.
Grand Earth Trines: Shovel Ready
The next three weeks keeps the Earth signs (Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus) stocked with planets, maintaining a loose Grand Earth Trine for nearly the first half of the month. Grand Earth Trines, which occur when planets in all 3 of the earth signs aspect one another, have powerful effects on the material aspects on people’s lives, spotlighting both the finances and physical health.
The ensuing Grand Earth Trines provide a tremendous amount of physical power, making it a potent time to address your relationship with concrete reality. It’s time to consolidate gains, review problems, find solid solutions and begin planning by what strategy you’ll enter next season’s territory.
Jupiter Retrograde: The Bull’s Retreat
Jupiter stations retrograde on Tuesday, August 30th at 10 degrees of Taurus. The big planet will creep slowly backwards for the rest of the year, stationing direct in the very first degree of Taurus on none other than Christmas Day, December 25th.
Some planet’s retrogrades describe rather nasty turns for the worse. Saturn and Mercury being good examples thereof. Jupiter, however, is a different case. When Jupiter throws it into reverse, it indicates that we have come to the end of a period of expansion, and that the ensuing stretch of months are our opportunity to consolidate what ground we’ve gained. It asks us to focus our attention on keeping what we’ve acquired and acting consistently with what we’ve learned. Jupiter’s retrograde phase is not it’s shiny, exciting new opportunity phase, it’s the one where you get to prove that you deserve the opportunities you’ve gotten, and appreciate the areas of your life where you’ve had a little help.
Playing The Wheel of Fortune
Now, the opportunities and power-ups that Jupiter offers are not automatic. Like most things, they require some degree of participation to take advantage of. You can fuck them up. Even archetypally jolly Jupiter has some tales of woe to tell. Like when we’ve had the opportunity to focus on growth, and we’ve completely failed to take advantage of it. Take, for example, the United States.
Using the Sibly Chart, Jupiter in Taurus has been mooing its way slowly through State’s 6th House- The House of Jobs. Or in this case- the House of Not Enough Jobs. Jupiter entered Taurus, the States’ 6th House, on June 4th. At that point this Summer’s brutal jobs reports and economic concerns were still well ahead of us. The Wall St. Bulls were feeling secure after a fine couple of months. Obama had people’s confidence after having overseen the execution of Bin Laden. It was time to parlay that optimism into real growth. There was just small matter of raising the debt ceiling and then getting to work on measures to boost employment…
This summer’s dynamic but contentious currents pulled the mighty ship of state far off course, and now the rocks that everyone knew the US was in danger of being dashed on- chronic unemployment and a double dip recession, loom terrifying close. Of course, Jupiter will not be denied. Though nothing of any merit has been emerged, unemployment has come to completely dominate the nonfunctional discourse. Jupiter’s retrograde station will coincide with both Mit Romney and Obama racing to unveil super duper new jobs plans, both of which are unlikely to be either super, or duper.
This is how to fuck up a Jupiter transit. You don’t do the work necessary to grow in the indicated area, despite its obvious importance.
If you find yourself in the same boat as the US, veering unpleasantly close to a rocky shoreline, Jupiter’s retrograde station this week is a key time to look at what you are and aren’t doing right. First, take a deep breath and clear your head of the nearly ubiquitous apocalyptic rhetoric that chokes the collective brainwaves. Growth is still happening. Personal, economic, spiritual- you name it. The world is not doomed and neither are you. If what you’re doing isn’t working, step back and take a calm, thoughtful and ultimately strategic look at your position. You can figure this out. You just have to be willing to.
Jupiter and Pluto: The Labyrinth’s Call
The US isn’t the only country or person having a hard time taking advantage of what Jupiter in Taurus has to offer. One of the reasons for this is Pluto. For the last few months and for the next 6, Jupiter is doing a little dance with Pluto, with the two aspecting on and off. These Jupiter-Pluto aspects tell us that Jupiter in Taurus‘ capacity to aid us in stabilizing growth does not operate on its own, but is inextricably linked to the necessary evolutionary challenges that Pluto in Capricorn poses.
Jupiter’s benefic current is keyed to help us make the necessary changes on what feels like a swiftly tilting planet, not pad our descent into obsolescence This means that the largesse associated with Jupiter is triggered by a committed engagement with the world’s transformation. What is being offered is the growth necessary to adapt more fully to the rapidly unfolding future. It’s not the world you dreamed of, but neither is it the future you fear. It just is- but not quite yet. This trio of Jupiter-Pluto trines are an opportunity to be more ready to meet it. And despite Jupiter’s retrograde station this week, there’s still plenty to figure out how you’re going to meet the future halfway. So get on it!
Horoscopes are not a real chart reading by an experienced astrologer. However, they are fun and can be reasonably accurate. In addition to referring to your Sun sign, read your from Ascendant and Moon if you know them. If you don’t, find out. I’m a long time fan of the free chart generation software at
Oh, and if you’re still concerned that your sign has changed, get a little clarity here.
Aries: Intrinsic Value
September’s Grand Earth Trines will have a powerful effect on the physical layer of your life. Potential financial growth and a focus on problem solving work to assist you in making the professional transformation you’ve been plotting.
Jupiter’s retrograde station this week asks you to review how you’ve dealt with opportunities to expand your cash flow, as well as deepen your understanding of what value really is.
Taurus: Rein It In, Bessie
September’s Grand Earth Trines will have a powerful effect, with increased confidence and a surge of creative energy supporting the ongoing transformation of your long term goals.
Jupiter’s retrograde station on Tuesday asks you to take a look at the degree to which you’ve expanded your horizons over the summer. An extended vista of ambition is great, but actually getting there is a different issue. Rein it in and you may actually have something you can hold onto.
Gemini: Army of Me
September’s Grand Earth Trines will oversee a growing peace with your personal demons and a focus on solidifying your foundations. Solid footing and slightly less internal conflict work together to facilitate the continuing transformation of your exchanges and agreements with people.
Jupiter’s retrograde station on Tuesday points towards the progress you’ve made since June in coming to terms with your evil twin. Well, twins. Well, the army of others inside your head that claims that their “name is legion.” Fortunately, they’re mercenaries, and for the right price they might actually fight for you rather than against you.
Cancer: You Can Pinch Your Friends…
Septembers’ Grand Earth Trines will have a powerful effect on your social life, expanding social circles and triggering a number of communications and short trips. These factors synergize to facilitate the ongoing transformation of the way you relate to people.
Jupiter’s retrograde station this Tuesday asks you to look back at all of the new pals you’ve managed to get your claws around since June. If there’s going to be room in your life for all these people, you’re going to need a new, roomier shell.
Leo: Walk The Walk
September’s Grand Earth Trines will have a powerful effect on the material level of your life, with expanded professional confidence and a good analysis of your cash flow working together to help support ongoing transformations of your physical and fiscal health.
Jupiter’s retrograde station this Tuesday asks you to consider how your professional ambitions have expanded over the last 3 months, and what exactly you’re going to do about that. Besides brag.
Virgo: “We Can Rebuild Him…”
September’s Grand Earth Trines are likely to have a strong impact on your life-style, with growing creativity working together with heightened energy to facilitate the ongoing transformation of your long term goals and world view.
Jupiter’s retrograde station on Tuesday asks you to look back on how your life direction has expanded over the last 3 months. You may, in fact, be destined for more than a homicidally disgruntled worker-bot. Then again, maybe not.
Libra: Sharing Is Caring
September’s Grand Earth Trines are likely to oversee increased access to other people’s resources as well as an expanded understanding of the problem patterns preventing you from finding equilibrium. These factors work together to facilitate the ongoing transformation of both your emotional foundations and living situation.
Jupiter’s retrograde station on Tuesday asks you to look back on what you’ve learned about sharing since June. Specifically, how nice it is when people share with you.
Scorpio: Ole Hypno Eyes
September’s Grand Earth Trines will have a powerful impact on your social life. This year’s growth in social skills and a busy social calendar support the ongoing transformation of your ability to express yourself.
Jupiter’s retrograde station on Tuesday asks you to look back on what you’ve learned about dealing with people in the last couple months. Hint: You catch more flies with honey than with deadly poison.
Sagittarius: Lucky Horseshoe
This September’s Grand Earth Trines will likely have a significant impact on your fiscal situation. Progress fixing financial and physical problems and a focus on your professional life work together to facilitate the ongoing transformation of your finances.
Jupiter’s retrograde station on Tuesday points toward what luck and opportunities have helped protect you from the bumps and scrapes of the last 3 months. The question is how to avoid the bumps and scrapes in the first place.
Capricorn: “The same thing we do every night, Pinky…” 
This September’s Grand Earth Trines oversee a blessedly expanded pool of creative energy and a focus on your long term goals. These factors synergize to help facilitate an ongoing personal transformation.
Jupiter’s retrograde station on Tuesday points a pudgy finger toward your creative energy. What are you doing with it? Plotting world domination isn’t good enough- you need to actually build that doomsday device.
Aquarius: Strangely Concrete
This September’s Grand Earth Trines will have an important impact on your psyche. An expanded understanding of your emotional foundations and a focus on your significant exchanges with people both help facilitate the ongoing transformation of how you relate to and understand the darker side of your psyche.
Jupiter’s retrograde station this week highlights your living situation, and the changes you’ve been considering. As the big planet turns toe, it’s time to think about how you’re going to swing it.
Pisces: Shoaling
This September’s Grand Earth Trines will have a significant impact on your social life. An expanded social schedule and a focus on relationship skills helps facilitate the ongoing transformation of your social network.
Jupiter’s retrograde station this week points a chubby finger at what you’ve learned since June about expressing yourself. Sometimes you can actually just say what needs to be said. Not everything must be poetry- although that is a lovely sparkly journal you have there.
Portland and Seattle Lectures and Workshops
On my way to the great Northwest this September! Events in Seattle the 16th-18th and in Portland the 23-25th of September.
Private Consultations
If you find yourself a little confused by the strange waters of the season, or interested in a personalized map of those yet to come, consider a consultation. For details, click here. Send inquiries to
Austin is the man 😉
Brilliant, Austin.
Great post.
Thanks yall.
Outstanding..very insightful and of great help.Thanks~
this is so interesting. I m going to watch Jupiter retro and see what really happens. Doesn’t sound too good for the USA.
this is so interesting. I m going to watch Jupiter retro and see what really happens. Doesn’t sound too good for the USA.