The Glow Of Embers
April 9, 2013A Small Sacrifice
May 9, 2013
From the 2013 Astrological Almanac:
The Princess and the Pea
Venus enters Taurus on the 14th. The pleasant planet’s entrance into the Bull’s sign is a return to Venus’ favorite chaise lounge, putting us in the mood for both luxury and beauty. Venus’ first few days in Taurus may well gratify these desires, as she finds herself in an extremely pleasant sextile with Neptune. After Venus completes this aspect with Neptune, though, the bright planet will have to contend with an opposition to heavy Saturn in Scorpio and a subsequent conjunction with the Tail of the Dragon, both of which complicate the desire for good times.
The Warrior’s Mirror 
The Sun catches Mars on the 17th. This conjunction highlights the connection between how we see ourselves and our use of power. The method by which this pairing brings these issues to the surface is not necessarily gentle, though. Rediscover the meaning of personal power here through action and contemplation rather than an unnecessary brawl.
A Heavy Hoof
The Sun enters Taurus on the 19th, shifting the solar spotlight toward practical affairs and taking the pace down a notch. The Sun’s time in Taurus this year is, however, complicated by a pair of eclipses and an opposition with Saturn. The Sun is followed into Taurus by Mars, which makes the Bull’s pasture land his temporary home on the 20th. With the Sun, Venus and Mars in Taurus, the tone shifts decisively earthward, highlighting concrete problems and pleasures.
While Mars and the Sun trundle into Taurus, Mercury makes his way through the Uranus-Pluto square. Mercury’s brief time here helps frame the changes going on, upgrading and electrifying how we think about things so that the mind can keep pace with the ongoing transformations.”
Though my writing time is currently in short supply, the eclipses are coming, and I will provide fresh prognostications regarding them, complete with horoscopes, next week.