May 2nd-8th: Taking Root
May 3, 2011Mars in Taurus: The 'Dozer's Blade
May 16, 2011This week the Moon waxes its way toward Full (May 16th), 3 planets change signs and we’re treated to a lovely set of conjunctions. Mercury, Venus and Jupiter spend most of the week conjoined in late Aries. This rather pleasant stellium condenses the hard lessons of the last month and a half into the future’s promising prospects. You should be able to catch the trio in the pre-dawn sky. Early in the week, Mars (the 11th) leaves Aries for the fertile fields of Taurus, officially ending the 40ish days and nights of planets in Aries that began on April 1st. Mars is followed out of Aries by both Mercury and Venus, who exit the excitable sign on Sunday the 15th, just before next week’s Full Moon in Scorpio on the 16th.
This is a transitional week, with the pile-up in Aries giving way to a smaller, but still substantial pile-up in Taurus. Look for one last burst of excitement as seedlings sprout in fields of cooling magma.
Horoscopes are not a real chart reading by an experienced astrologer. However, they are fun and can be reasonably accurate. In addition to referring to your Sun sign, read your from Ascendant and Moon if you know them. If you don’t, find out. I’m a long time fan of the free chart generation software at
Oh, and if you’re still concerned that your sign has changed, get a little clarity here.
Aries: The Wallet-Fields
Mercury, Venus and Jupiter’s conjunction in Aries this week sees the pile of planets in Aries finish out on a clear note of personal growth. Remember that some of the best lessons comes from what didn’t work the way you thought it would. Especially if you’re an Aries.
Mars’ entry into Taurus on the 11th throws a little dirt on the fire that’s been burning its way through you. It’s come time to put your enthusiasm to work plowing the fields of your wallet. Mercury and Venus enter Taurus on the 15th, reinforcing this practical and productive turn.
Taurus: The Bull
Mercury, Venus and Jupiter’s conjunction in Aries this week sees the lessons hiding inside the last several weeks emerge from amidst all of the ruckus. What have you learned about personal power in the last 2 months? Like, maybe you have more than you thought?
Mars’ entry into Taurus on the 11th helps make some of the troubling issues that have emerged over the last few months a little bit more conscious, and begins what will likely being a very pro active month for you. Mercury and Venus’ enter Taurus on the 15th heavily reinforcing the shift precipitated by Mars’ entrance into Taurus.
Gemini: The Twins
Mercury, Venus and Jupiter’s conjunction in Aries this week likely sees pleasant news delivered, and looks upon social opportunities that’ve emerged amidst the unsteady background of the last two months.
Mars’ entry into Taurus on the 11th begins a month and a half period with a focus on completing forgotten tasks and dealing with practical issues which somehow got swept aside amidst all of the excitement. Mercury and Venus’ enter Taurus on the 15th adding their energy to these practical issues.
Cancer: The Crab
Mercury, Venus and Jupiter’s conjunction in Aries this week looks over potential expansions of your professional world, smiling on the seeds of achievement you’ve nurtured.
Mars’ entry into Taurus on the 11th asks you to shift your efforts towards making friends and influencing people. Mercury and Venus’ entrance into Taurus on the 15th reinforces this social turn.
Leo: The Lion
Mercury, Venus and Jupiter’s conjunction in Aries this week sees the implications of the last 2 months finally condense into a set of understandings about your life and the path you’re going to take through it.
Mars’ entry into Taurus on the 11th asks you to shift you efforts toward stabilizing your professional situation. Mercury and Venus’ entrance into Taurus on the 15th reinforces this, adding emotional and intellectual energy to the process.
Virgo: The Virgin
Mercury, Venus and Jupiter’s conjunction in Aries this week sees collaborative projects you’re involved in hit important benchmarks, likely accompanied by lessons on the proper alchemy betwixt yourself and others.
Mars entry into Taurus on the 11th asks you to consider a steady course of action in order to further your long term goals. Mercury and Venus’ entrance into Taurus on the 15th reinforces this, bringing your capacity for planning to bear on the courses before you.
Libra: The Scales
Mercury, Venus and Jupiter’s conjunction in Aries this week smiles upon the status of your relationships and bestows a number of insights into the nature of how to connect with people without stifling your or them.
Mars entry into Taurus on the 11th initiates a shift toward working on projects with other people, exploring possible alliances and overlaps. Mercury and Venus’ entrance into Taurus on the 15th reinforces this.
Scorpio: The Scorpion
Mercury, Venus and Jupiter’s conjunction in Aries this week sees you ready to receive insights into how to better maintain the physical layer of your life. Benefits from fiscal and physical regimens are seen and ongoing problems are brought under control.
Mars entry into Taurus on the 11th shifts energy toward your relationships. Mercury and Venus’ entrance into Taurus on the 15th reinforces the focus on your relationships with others, smoothing rough edges and building a bridge or two.
Sagittarius: The Archer
Mercury, Venus and Jupiter’s conjunction in Aries this week will likely coincide with a bloom of creative energy as well as opportunities for some unusually good times.
Mars entry into Taurus on the 11th slows things down a little bit, and shifts the focus from creation toward maintenance. Consider what habits you would like to create, and those you’d rather destroy. Mercury and Venus’ entrance into Taurus on the 15th reinforces this focus on patterns.
Capricorn: The Goat
Mercury, Venus and Jupiter’s conjunction in Aries this week will likely coincide with useful events centered on your living space, and generally put you in a better place.
Mars entry into Taurus on the 11th sees you get itchy to start working on creating something. Mercury and Venus’ entrance into Taurus on the 15th reinforces this energetic shift. The coming month can be a very productive period for you.
Aquarius: The Water Bearer
Mercury, Venus and Jupiter’s conjunction in Aries this week sees rewards for short term goals distributed and spins your thoughts in a positive direction.
Mars entry into Taurus on the 11th highlights the friction within your living situation. Mercury and Venus’ entrance into Taurus on the 15th brings the answers you’ll need to solve said frictions.
Pisces: The Fishes
Mercury, Venus and Jupiter’s conjunction in Aries this week looks over the concretization of wild ideas and presides over an upward trend in your financial life.
Mars’ entry into Taurus on the 11th shifts energies toward the number of peripheral tasks you’ll need to accomplish over the next month and a half. Mercury and Venus’ entrance into Taurus on the 15th reinforces this focus on short term goals.
2011 Astrological Almanac
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