When You Wish Upon A Star: Algol, Rape and the IMF
May 19, 2011
Jupiter in Taurus: Lao Tzu's Bull
May 25, 2011The Moon wanes its way closer to a partial solar eclipse, but the darkening won’t occur until mid-way through next week- Wednesday, June 1st. The day after the solar eclipse, Mercury enters Gemini. Not only does next week host a solar eclipse and Mercury’s ingress into Gemini, but it also oversees Jupiter’s transition into Taurus, where the big planet will be through the rest of 2011 and halfway into 2012.
But that’s next week. Not much changes this week.
Mercury, Venus and Mars continue to plod their way through Taurus, keeping concerns fixed on the long view of relationships and finances. Last week’s Full Moon alignment with Algol and its attendant headless monstrosities will likely continue to eat up limelight, the headless World Bank and Republican party the big ongoing stories in American politics.
Of course, without a head, it’s up to the wisdom of the body to govern the processes in play, placing emphasis on the power of digestion.
Overall, things proceed along the lines laid down by last week’s events. What’s been served up over the last couple weeks has long lasting implications, the kind of things you’ll need to gnaw on for a bit. Some have been offered tasty, high protein opportunities, while others have not been so fortunate. If your order involved a shit sandwich, don’t despair- just keep chewing.
It is well known that the Alchemists of yore were obsessed with turning the filthiest, most worthless material into the shining glory of pure gold. Less well known is their methods. Beneath a deceptive veil of elaborate metaphors, the Alchemist’s method was, in fact, simple.
When life made them a shit sandwich, they ate it. And asked for seconds. The complicated processes pictured were simply drug addled representations of the human ability to process experience, to perform the marvelous transformation of shit into gold. Try it. It’s magic.
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If you find yourself a little confused by the strange waters of the season, or interested in a personalized map of those yet to come, consider a consultation. For details, click here. Send inquiries to ac@austincoppock.com.
HOMG, your knowledge of Alchemy is truly inspired, Austin.
Thank you. You wouldn’t believe the amount of research that went into finding that truly stunning conclusion.