Astrology 4/23-4/29: Your Call Could Not Be Completed As Dialed
April 25, 2012Tomorrow's Fields
May 7, 2012
Photo by Sigurd Rage
The Moon waxes its way to fullness, shining out over a week of mixed influences. The Sun strides closer to conjunction with auspicious Jupiter, highlighting the rewards of courses pursued successfully. Yet meanwhile Venus creeps ever deeper into the shadow of her coming retrograde, rousing uncomfortable feelings and messing with cash flow. Communications are also wobbly, with Mercury in aspect to Venus during the first half of the week and opposing Saturn during the second half. Finally, the week is crowned by the annual Full Moon in Scorpio, the biggest and brightest lunation of the year.
Victories and emerging difficulties can both be found in abundance. There are contradictory currents at work here.
Mercury Sextile Venus: A Definite Maybe
On Thursday, May 3rd, Mercury in Aries completes his sextile to Venus in Gemini. Generally the sextile between Mercury and Venus is a pleasant thing, coating people’s tongues in silver and overseeing greater harmony between the mind and the emotions.
This generally auspicious connection is, however, a bit complicated by Venus’ ambivalent situation. Less than two weeks before her turn retrograde, Venus isn’t exactly oozing honey- there’s more than a bit of vitriol on the wind.
Mercury gives words to complicated feelings here, helping to sort out some while voicing others prematurely. There is some confusion and a few contradictions in the messages delivered during the first half of the week.
Mercury Opposition Saturn: Thinking Inside The Box
After Mercury finishes his sextile to Venus, he moves immediately onto an opposition with a retrograde Saturn in Libra. Mercury’s opposition to Saturn pushes us, somewhat unpleasantly, to concretize plans and meet deadlines. Friday the Moon conjuncts Saturn in Libra, highlighting obligations and difficulties. There is a pressure about this configuration that is intensified by the impending Full Moon in Scorpio.
The Full Moon in Scorpio: Her Sacred Fires
The Full Moon in Scorpio comes Saturday, bringing the lunar cycle to a dramatic climax. This Full Moon is a so-called “super moon,” and will be the nearest and brightest one this year.
The annual opposition between the Sun in Taurus and the Moon in Scorpio teaches that beneath the surface lie the depths, and what dwells in those cthonian spaces can either support or undermine us. The silver light of the eerily large Full Moon activates the denizens of the depths, drawing energy out from the subconscious and invigorating neglected feelings, its rays rare pathways that lead to normally inaccessible locations in the heart and mind. The handmaidens of Hecate dance up and down those beams, beckoning us to follow them into secret spaces.
Horoscopes are not a real chart reading by an experienced astrologer. However, they are fun and can be reasonably accurate. In addition to referring to your Sun sign, read your from Ascendant and Moon if you know them. If you don’t, find out. I’m a long time fan of the free chart generation software at
Oh, and if you’re still concerned that your sign has changed, get a little clarity here.
Aries: The Ram
Mercury’s sextile to Venus highlights connection and communication during the first half of the week, packing your email and call log with more activity than usual. Keep an eye out for drama you don’t want to play a role in.
As we move toward the weekend, Mercury’s opposition to Saturn takes over, highlighting the roadblocks in your connections with other people, and suggesting some adjustments to the way you manage your relationships.
The Full Moon in Scorpio on the 5th catches the Sun nearing conjunction to Jupiter in Taurus. This lunation highlights the resources at your disposal, and suggests that you might benefit from supplementing your own with a little help from your friends. Cooperate with others to actualize potential abundance.
Taurus: The Bull
Mercury’s sextile to Venus is likely to bring some news about how you can protect your financial situation. Seeing a problem may not feel like a gift, but recognizing and issue before it goes critical is a fine thing.
As we move toward the weekend, Mercury’s opposition to Saturn takes over, highlighting fiscal and physical issues that need to be tweaked. If you’ve fallen away from discipline, this is an excellent time to get back on schedule.
The Full Moon in Scorpio on the 5th catches the Sun nearing conjunction to Jupiter in Taurus. This benefic lunation highlights the relationship between you and the important people in your life. Look especially at how your growth over the last year has changed the dynamics of these relationships.
Gemini: The Twins
Mercury’s sextile to Venus highlights communications, especially within and regarding groups of people. You’re interest in who to connect to and why is getting ready for a season of mutation. This will have implications on your social sphere.
As we move toward the weekend, Mercury’s opposition to Saturn takes over, highlighting the ways that you’re spending your energy. Let’s be honest, you could probably use a little bit more discipline.
The Full Moon in Scorpio on the 6th catches the Sun nearing a conjunction to Jupiter in Taurus. This lunation shines silver on the fiscal and physical issues in your life, and how well you’re handling them. This Full Moon is a good time to put new, precision engineered habits into play.
Cancer: The Crab
Mercury’s sextile to Venus highlights easily neglected but important facts in your professional life. If something seems fishy, don’t gloss over it.
As we move toward the weekend, Mercury’s opposition to Saturn takes over, highlighting the necessity of factoring obligations to your living situation into professional plans.
The Full Moon in Scorpio on the 6th catches the Sun nearing conjunction to Jupiter in Taurus. This lunation highlights the relationship between the social activity in your life and what you’re doing with your creative energy. Make sure that those you share yourself with appreciate what you have to offer. You can always take your energies somewhere else.
Leo: The Lion
Mercury’s sextile to Venus sees activity in your social sphere, which is due for a change over the coming months. Consider how the people you’re rubbing elbows with connect with your long term goals.
As we move toward the weekend, Mercury’s opposition to Saturn takes over, highlighting the relationship between your long term goals and the short term issues which need to be addressed to get there.
The Full Moon in Scorpio on Saturday catches the Sun nearing conjunction to Jupiter in Taurus. The lunation highlights the relationship between your career and home life. Silver outlines the impact of your professional choices on your living situation and those you share it with.
Virgo: The Virgin
Mercury’s sextile to Venus highlights communications surrounding your changing professional situation.
As we move toward the weekend, Mercury’s opposition to Saturn takes over, spotlighting a necessary step in restructuring your financial arrangements with others.
The Full Moon in Scorpio on Saturday catches the Sun nearing conjunction to Jupiter in Taurus. This lunation highlights the relationship between your short and long term goals. Seeing small tasks in a larger context makes their importance clear as well as providing motivation.
Libra: The Scales
Mercury’s sextile to Venus highlights conversations about shifting long term goals and the priority mutations suggested therein.
As we move toward the weekend, Mercury’s opposition to Saturn takes over, highlighting adjustments within your relationships. There is some emphasis laid on clearly communicating your boundaries and limitations.
The Full Moon in Scorpio on Saturday catches the Sun nearing conjunction to Jupiter in Taurus. This lunation emphasizes both your resources, other people’s and the relationship between them. There is plenty of emphasis on what is shared and what is separate.
Scorpio: The Scorpion
Mercury’s sextile to Venus asks you to keep an eye on expenses and accounts payable for the first half of the week.
As we move toward the weekend, Mercury’s opposition to Saturn takes over, highlighting the relationship between the concrete problems at hand and the more abstract ones inside your head.
The Full Moon in Scorpio on Saturday catches the Sun nearing conjunction to Jupiter in Taurus. This lunation highlights the role you play in your significant relationships. Take some time out to consider the dynamics between yourself and those close to you.
Sagittarius: The Archer
Mercury’s sextile to Venus highlights communications amongst your important relationships, an area in which some changes are due.
As we move toward the weekend, Mercury’s opposition to Saturn takes over, spotlighting the importance of connecting creative ideas with proper backing, as well as an audience.
The Full Moon in Scorpio on Saturday catches the Sun nearing conjunction to Jupiter in Taurus. This lunation highlights all of the evil thoughts that you’ve banished to the hidden recesses of your skull. Take this Full Moon to consider how what you try to put out of your mind ends up affecting your behavior. Look particularly closely at your habits.
Capricorn: The Goat
Mercury’s sextile to Venus highlights your living situation and expenses related to it. There is growing need to figure out a new way of handling
As we move toward the weekend, Mercury’s opposition to Saturn takes over, spotlighting the relationship between your living situation and your professional goals.
The Full Moon in Scorpio on Saturday catches the Sun nearing conjunction to Jupiter in Taurus. This lunation highlights relationships with friends, peers and contacts, suggesting that a little of their attention for the projects you’re involved would be beneficial.
Aquarius: The Water Bearer
Mercury’s sextile to Venus brings thoughts and communications to creative projects on the horizon. There may be a game changer planned here, but such shifts tend to be more easily conceived than delivered.
As we move toward the weekend, Mercury’s opposition to Saturn takes over, highlighting the short term tasks that need to be accomplished in order to move toward your longer term goals.
The Full Moon in Scorpio on Saturday catches the Sun nearing conjunction to Jupiter in Taurus. This lunation highlights the relationship between your professional and home life. There is a particular focus on the effect of your living situation on your professional aspirations. Is your home base supporting your ambitions or undermining them?
Pisces: The Fish
Mercury’s sextile to Venus highlights communications surrounding your financial situation and living space. There are likely some changes brewing in your living situation, some of which will float to the surface this week.
As we move toward the weekend, Mercury’s opposition to Saturn takes over, highlighting the necessity of getting a handle on the influxes and outflows of cash on your balance sheet.
The Full Moon in Scorpio on Saturday catches the Sun nearing conjunction to Jupiter in Taurus. This lunation illuminates your long term goals in the light of the small tasks at hand and asks you to connect the two. Take some time to interweave your immediate and long term goals.
Private Consultations
If you find yourself a little confused by the strange waters of the season, or interested in a personalized map of those yet to come, consider a consultation. For details, click here. Send inquiries to