Astrology 13th-19th: Tummy Talk
June 14, 2011Astrology 27th-3rd: Chasin' Tail
June 27, 2011The solstice on June 21st (17:16 UTC) swallows the week, washing out daily worries in the light of seasonal concerns. In the northern hemisphere, the Sun stands still in the sky, stretching the day wide across the earth and threatening to disrupt the long standing truce between Light and Night. In the South, Helios holds equally still, but at his lowest point, marking the longest nights.
Either way, the forces of equilibrium will not stand such abuse. In the North the solstice Sun signifies the solar hero dying to give birth to summer. In the South, the stationary Sun sees the spirit’s rebirth in the dead of year’s night.
Seasonal Preview: Steady As She Goes
This Spring was, as expected, characterize by a massive release of energies. Wild weather, huge fires, Middle Eastern revolt and radioactive meltdowns all embodied the out-of-control energy. The summer that follows is of a different nature. Tense configurations bind the energy into tight systems which swirl with internal conflict. Teapot tempests, alembic storms. Meanwhile Jupiter in Taurus places a pirate’s treasure map in our hands- outlining a course toward prosperity, a trajectory worth holding to through what squalls may come.
Late June, all of July and the first half of August are all subject to a series of grand crosses and t-squares, tense configurations which bombard the summer months with storm and stress. Here we’ll have to work to keep our ships steady, holding onto gains and following through on projects initiated earlier in the year. The week centered on July 1st is especially storm prone, as is the first week of August.
The key for the first 2 months of summer is to set sail for the course for sustainability, slow growth and stability revealed by whatever Jupiter in Taurus treasure map you may happen to be holding. Not only that, but you must hold to it, regardless of what sturm und drang the sky and seas unleash. Lash yourself to the goals you know you can achieve and your resolve will outlast the passing chaos of wind and seas.
The summer’s tensions subside by late August, the cardinal crosses replaced with a series of grand earth trines. These more harmonious configurations shift our focus from holding steady to arrival at our destination. Or, if we were blown off course, washing up on strange beaches.
As the Sun stands still this week, take a drink from Helio’s cup and ponder your course through the coming season.
Summer Horoscopes
Horoscopes are not a real chart reading by an experienced astrologer. However, they are fun and can be reasonably accurate. In addition to referring to your Sun sign, read your from Ascendant and Moon if you know them. If you don’t, find out. I’m a long time fan of the free chart generation software at
Oh, and if you’re still concerned that your sign has changed, get a little clarity here.
Aries: The Ram
The last solar eclipse in Cancer comes at the end of June, spotlighting problematic aspects of your living situation and unreconciled issues with your past, leading into summer’s storms.
This summer’s crosses rock the boat a bit, with tensions between necessary transformations in your professional direction, radical personal empowerment, problems with your family and/or living space and the demands of relationships pressing simultaneously on you. Nonetheless, amidst a couple messes, opportunities emerge.
Hold steady, and as September begins, you’ll be ready to concretize opportunities in your financial and professional life.
Taurus: The Bull
The last solar eclipse in Cancer, at the end of June, spotlights problematic aspects of the way you communicate your feelings, kicking off the summer’s tense patterns.
Summer’s storms sweep across your pasture, activating a number of peripheral tensions simultaneously. Emerging issues of personal empowerment, necessary changes to your long term plan and problems with finances and physical health all threaten to throw your regular rhythm out of whack.
Keep to your course and as September begins, you’ll be ready to concretize a number of important personal transformations.
Gemini: The Twins
The last solar eclipse in Cancer, at the end of June, spotlights one last thing you need to change about the way you’ve been handling your finances.
The summer’s grand crosses will give rise to a small crisis or three surrounding resources. Expect to handle some tensions with your financial, social and creative reservoirs during this time.
Keep’er steady and as September begins, you’ll be ready to cash in on opportunities for concrete changes in your personal life. In the treasure chest you’ll find stronger foundations and the ability to accept and grow from some hard truths.
Cancer: The Crab
The last solar eclipse in Cancer, at the end of June, spotlights one last change you need to the way you think of yourself, ending a cycle of personal changes that began back in 2009.
The summer’s grand crosses will give rise to a series of storms in the big areas of your life. Self, career, relationships and living situation all get a little rocked over the summer. Plan to stroll into the summer months with your shit ready to weather a squall or two.
Keep to your course and as September begins, you’ll be ready to cash in on important changes to your social life.
Leo: The Leo
The last solar eclipse in Cancer at the end of June highlights one last piece of subconscious baggage you need to let go of, ending a cycle of personal changes that began back in 2009.
The summer’s grand crosses see a number of small storms erupt on the periphery of your life. Tensions between long and short term goals as well as issues of mental and physical health all compete to distract you from the professional opportunities emerging amidst the season.
Hold to your course and as September begins, you’ll find see a number of concrete improvements to your financial and professional life.
Virgo: The Virgin
The last solar eclipse in Cancer at the end of June suggests one last change to the structure of your social life, ending a cycle of personal changes in that area that began back in 2009.
The summer’s grand crosses will give rise to a small crisis or two surrounding resources. Expect to handle some problems with your financial, social and creative reservoirs during this time.
Keep steady and as September begins, you’ll be ready to bank a number of personal changes, improving your energy, perspective and sense of self.
Libra: The Scales
The last solar eclipse in Cancer comes at the end of June, spotlighting the one last change you’ll need to make to your professional trajectory, ending a cycle of personal changes that began back in 2009.
The summer’s grand crosses will give rise to a series of storms in the big areas of your life. Your sense of self, career, relationships and living situation all get a little rocked over the summer. Plan to stroll into the summer months with your shit together enough to weather a storm or two.
Stay on course and as September begins, you’ll be ready to bank concrete changes to the structure of your emotional and spiritual life.
Scorpio: The Scorpion
The last solar eclipse in Cancer comes at the end of June, pointing toward one last change you need to make to your long term plans.
Summer’s storms sweep across your pasture, activating a number of peripheral tensions simultaneously. Issues of physical and mental health along with tension between long and short term goals threaten to throw you off your game.
Hold steady and as September begins, you’ll find you’ve made concrete positive changes to virtually all aspects of your social life.
Sagittarius: The Archer
The last solar eclipse in Cancer, at the end of June, spotlights one last thing you need to change about the way you’ve you’re handling the exchanges of time, money and energy with other people.
The summer’s grand crosses will give rise to a series of problems surrounding resources. Expect to handle some tensions with your financial, social and creative reservoirs during this time.
Stay on course and as September begins, you’ll be ready to cash in on sustainable developments in your financial and professional life.
: The Goat
The last solar eclipse in Cancer comes the end of June, spotlighting one last change to the way you approach relationships, ending a cycle of personal changes that began back in 2009.
The summer’s grand crosses will give rise to a series of storms in the big areas of your life. Your sense of self, professional position, relationships and living situation all get a little rocked over the summer. Plan to weather a squall or two during the summer months.
Stay on course and as September begins, you’ll have made concrete and encompassing personal changes.
Aquarius: The Water Bearer
The last solar eclipse in Cancer comes at the end of the month, kicking off the summer’s tense patterns with an important change to the way that you deal with your physical and fiscal health.
Summer’s storms will activate a number of peripheral tensions simultaneously. Changing thought patterns, growing awareness of subconscious patterns, financial and physical stress all threaten to throw your long term goals off balance.
Keep to your course and as September begins, you’ll be ready to bank significant improvements to your emotional and spiritual life.
Pisces: The Fish
At the end of June the last solar eclipse in Cancer comes, spotlighting one last thing you need to change about the way you’ve been handling your creative energy.
The summer’s grand crosses will give rise to a small crisis or three surrounding resources. Expect to handle some tensions with your financial, social and creative reservoirs during this time.
Stay on course and as September begins, you’ll be ready to cash in on improvements to your social circulation, making it a month full of profitable meet and greet.
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Private Consultations
If you find yourself a little confused by the strange waters of the season, or interested in a personalized map of those yet to come, consider a consultation. For details, click here. Send inquiries to
‘Plan to stroll into the summer months with your shit ready to weather a squall or two.’classic!! love it!
Enjoyed reading this Austin – your analogies are eloquently written and right on target – at least in my world.
Tigerlily 9-20-64