Mars in Leo: Shadow Play
December 7, 2009
Welcome to the Estuary
January 18, 2010The following horoscopes wrap an interpretation around the celestial landmarks of 2010. This includes the presence of Saturn in Libra and Jupiter in Pisces for the bulk of the year, the spring-time retreat of Saturn back into Virgo, the early ingress of Jupiter and Uranus into Aries, the series of alignments between Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn + Pluto over the summer and the Venus retrograde in Scorpio this fall.
Aries: The Ram
Jupiter’s presence in Pisces for most of the year will likely catalyze years of confusion into a series of powerful insights into the hidden aspects of your nature. These insights are brought directly to your doorstep when Jupiter enters your sign briefly this spring. An expanded understanding of who you are and exactly what your little destiny entails will set off a firework show that’s been building for a while now.
Saturn’s position in Libra throughout most of the year will continue to put you in your place socially, emphasizing the proper structure of relationships as well as the concept of mutuality. When Saturn in Libra lines up with Jupiter and Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn this summer, you’ll be put in a situation where you’ll have to reconcile a swiftly mutating sense of self with the demands of partnership and serious transformations to your career path.
The Venus retrograde this fall will trigger a series of changes that center on mutually held resources, such as joint bank accounts and business partnerships. Sharing is caring, Aries.
Taurus: The Bull
Jupiter in Pisces will fecundate your social circles, likely bringing you into contact with wiser folks than usual. Look for opportunities found through networking. Friends may also be a greater source of solace than usual. When Jupiter moves into Aries and conjoins Uranus for a bit this Spring, an explosive release is sure to follow. Here the latent energy you so often let lie fallow in the fields of your subconscious is marshaled into action. This blast is best controlled, as it may have disastrous consequences if the erupting psychic material is not processed properly. Don’t go nuts.
Saturn, in Libra for the bulk of the year, will continue to emphasize thrift in expenditures, as well as hand you your karmic bill via surprise breakdowns in your body and bank account. Note the signs early and the price will be minimal.
When Saturn in Libra, Uranus and Jupiter in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn all come into configuration this Summer, you can expect to see a situation where realizations of your forgotten personal power come into opposition with the necessities of living prudently, while conflicting with your changing viewpoint on the world. This one could be extremely messy if you aren’t handling the potentially negative aspects of these energies.
The Venus retrograde during the last quarter of 2010 will have a serious impact on partnerships, rerouting the tunnels through which you exchange vital fluids with the other humans.
Gemini: The Twins
Jupiter’s position in Pisces for most of the year suggests growth within your professional sphere. When Jupiter moves into Aries to conjoin Uranus briefly this Spring, you are likely to find new and helpful figures popping into your social sphere.
Saturn’s position in Libra for much of the year imposes discipline on your creative energies, demanding that you structure your output and moderate your excesses.
When Jupiter and Uranus in Aries line up with Saturn in Libra and Pluto in Capricorn this summer, you’re likely to find yourself in a situation where new contacts, the structure of your creative output and other people’s resources converge in a most interesting way.
Venus’ retrograde later in the year likely entails a period of increased expenditures and even more bipolar work ethic than usual. You’ll be reconfiguring the way that you plug your passions into your work.
Cancer: The Crab
Jupiter’s position in Pisces for the bulk of year suggests tremendous growth in the way that you view the world. It is an excellent year to take up the study of virtually anything. Pleasurable travel is also highlighted. When Jupiter drives into Aries to catch Uranus for a bit this Spring, all that learnin’ is likely to bloom suddenly and unexpectedly into a professional opportunity.
Saturn’s position in Libra for much of the year places an emphasis on the social aspects of the living situation. Relationships with spouses, children, housemates and landlords are all highlighted.
When Saturn in Libra, Jupiter and Uranus in Aries, and Pluto in Capricorn all come into configuration this summer, you’ll be put in a series of situations where professional opportunities, living situation necessities and important personal relationships all come to a head. This set of configurations will likely change the landscape of your life.
The Venus retrograde in Scorpio later in the year see you changing your attitudes about what you do with your creative energy. This period is likely to activate some of your deeper and darker passions. These will color your love life, as well as color your creative output significantly.
Leo: The Lion
Jupiter’s position in Pisces for much of this year places an emphasis on other people’s resources. You will likely be able to access other people’s resources more easily than you have in past years, and gain greater benefit from them. Team projects as well as business partnerships are emphasized as settings for serious growth. Jupiter’s slips into Aries and subsequent conjunction with Uranus this Summer is likely to set off fireworks in your head, especially if you’re a July Leo. These fireworks will trigger changes in your worldview, and are also likely to involve some long distance travel.
Saturn remains in Libra for much of the year, emphasizing decorum in your daily travels from here to there, and emphasizing how to live in with a little discipline.
When Jupiter and Uranus in Aries come into configuration with Saturn in Libra and Pluto in Capricorn, a number of situations pitting the restrictions in your normal way of thinking against the sudden changes in your worldview arise, further complicated by serious transformations in the way you maintain your physical body and bank account.
The Venus retrograde after the dramatic summer will see a series of shifts in feeling centering on the home and family. Old wounds spit out the shrapnel long lodged inside them.
Virgo: The Virgin
Jupiter’s position in Pisces for much of the year emphasizes personal relationships as a source of growth, opportunity and wisdom. This spring, when Jupiter moves into Aries and conjoins Uranus, the benefits gained through partnerships bloom into new mutual arrangements. It’s quite likely you’ll find yourself in a position to borrow another’s thunder, if not necessarily steal it.
Saturn remains in Libra for most of the year, providing insight into balancing your finances. Keep an eye on the scales of influx and outflow, and you should be fine. This Spring, when Saturn retreats back into Virgo for a bit, you’re likely to feel an echo of the limitations that characterized Saturn’s stay in Virgo from the Fall of 2007 until late October of 2009. The last Saturn-Uranus opposition in Virgo-Pisces will finish out the series of traumatic lessons via relationships that you’ve been privy to for the last year.
When Saturn moves back into Libra and lines up with Jupiter and Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn this summer, you’ll likely be put in a complicated series of situations surrounding the resources you have to draw on- yours and others, material and creative.
The Venus retrograde that follows the love triangle this summer sees you changing the way that you connect to your neighborhood, meeting new faces and ditching old ones. It will also reveal the emotional anchors for old thought patterns which anchor you to a particular take on your daily reality.
Libra: The Scales
Jupiter’s position in Pisces for much of the year places an emphasis on taking better care of your life. There’s an immense amount of bad you can avoid through proper maintenance. Do the dishes, only buy things you can afford, and exercise. Pretty boring. Pretty important.
When Jupiter moves into Aries and conjuncts Uranus briefly this spring, surprising but beneficial mutations occur within your partnerships.
Saturn will remain in your sign for much of the year, putting an emphasis on distilling what you know naturally into a series of principles. In addition, Saturn’s presence in Libra will also be happy to bring home any karma you’ve left hanging. It’s a good year to repent.
When Saturn in Libra lines up with Jupiter and Uranus in Aries and Pluto Capricorn this summer, you can expect to see a series of interesting and complicated situations arise involving other people’s opportunities, your personal limitations, and a changing living situation.
After the interesting but dramatic configurations of the summer pass, a Venus retrograde in Scorpio lies in wait this Fall. During this period, the fulcrum of your personal balance will be sent flying. Events during this time period will most likely center on a changing viewpoint on personal finances.
Scorpio: The Scorpion
Jupiter’s position in Pisces for the bulk of the year suggests a serious expansion of your creativity, as well as your overall capacity to enjoy life. An opening and deepening of your access to your internal resources is what is on the way.
When Jupiter moves into Aries and conjoins Uranus late this spring, unexpected changes to your physical and/or fiscal health will likely be followed by important lessons on how proper habits create or destroy personal power.
Saturn will be in Libra for most of the year, revealing a more balanced way to deal with the subconscious drives that so often send you down the wrong tunnel. Saturn will, however, retreat back to Virgo for a bit this spring to oppose Uranus, adding a final note to the tension between your current lifestyle and your vision of the good life.
When Saturn in Libra, Jupiter and Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn all line up early this summer, changes in your physical and physical health get tied up with the structure of your unconscious and your daily thought patterns. If you aren’t running a relatively tight ship, fiscal, physical and mental health problems may well emerge.
After the dramatic configurations of the summer, a Venus retrograde in your sign awaits you this fall, promising a series of deep shifts in the way that you deal with your feelings and relationships.
Sagittarius: The Archer
Jupiter’s presence in Pisces for most of 2010 is an especially good thing for the proud residents of Sagicron. The “awesome” that’s been a little scarce the last few years will be present in spades. In particular, your living situation is likely to be ground zero for excellence. Relax into the awesome as you would a waterbed with an X-Men comforter. The awesome understands you.
Jupiter’s move into Aries and conjunction with Uranus late this spring is likely to unleash an explosion of creativity into your wee Sagittarian brain. Make sure you have a medium capable of translating it into something you can take with you.
Saturn will be in Libra for the most of the year. From the scales’ lofty perch, Saturn looks into your larger social sphere. From here he will help you consolidate your network of contacts and friends into a solid sphere. For the Spring, however, Saturn makes a brief trip back into Virgo to oppose Uranus in Pisces once more. This completes the series of oppositions between your living and work situations, and is more than likely to trigger a move.
When Saturn in Libra, Jupiter and Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn line up this summer, it’s likely churn out a series of situations involving the interlock of your larger social network, blooms of creativity and transforming personal resources.
After the summer’s dramatic configurations lies a Venus retrograde in the sign of Scorpio. This will bring a number of hidden feelings to the forefront, churning up the emotional anchors that tie you to some of your most fundamental patterns.
Capricorn: The Goat
Jupiter’s presence in Pisces for much of this year is a boon to both your ability to network locally as well as providing you with more positive daily thought patterns. Jupiter’s brief movement into Aries and conjunction with Uranus this Spring sees strange and unexpected opportunities unfolding in your living space.
Meanwhile, Saturn’s presence in Libra for most of the year will be a positive thing for most Capricorns with a special emphasis on a balanced and creative approach to your professional architecture.
When Saturn in Libra, Jupiter and Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn align over the Summer, you’ll be privy to a series of situations likely to rearrange your life. Home, career, relationships, etc all go through a reconfiguration.
After the summer’s dramatic configurations waits a Venus retrograde in Scorpio. Venus will retrograde through your social sphere, rearranging who you’re hooked into and vice versa.
Aquarius: The Water Bearer
Jupiter will be in Pisces for much of 2010, suggesting an expansion of wealth and liquid resources. Jupiter moves into Aries briefly this Spring to conjoin Uranus, suggesting the sudden emergence of opportunities within local social circles and a rash of positive thinking.
Saturn will be in Libra for much of 2010, placing an emphasis on creating a balanced and coherent worldview. It may also indicate the necessity of travel in order to resolve deep issues.
When Saturn in Libra, Jupiter and Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn align this Summer, the result will be a series of situations involving journeys both far and near to discover the secret hidden somewhere in the back of your skull.
After the Summer’s relatively dramatic events, Venus goes retrograde in Scorpio, which will see you reassessing your professional value, making new contacts, and ditching old ones.
Pisces: The Fish
Jupiter will be in your sign for much of this year, making it an excellent year to be a Pisces. Which may be a first. A serious expansion of your experiential world, your reputation and your sense of self is likely. The potential pitfall of arrogance is a necessary counterweight. When Jupiter moves into Aries and conjoins Uranus briefly this Spring, the personal expansion you’ve undergone is likely to translate into financial expansion and access to new resources.
Saturn will be in Libra for much of 2010, indicating a focus on mutually held resources. You’re going to have to learn the art of sharing. Saturn will, however, dip back into Virgo this Spring to oppose Uranus in Pisces, bringing your mutating sense of self into contact with your obligations to other people once again.
When Saturn in Libra, Jupiter and Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn align this Summer, situations entangling your new resources, agreements with others and powerful new contacts are likely to emerge.
After the summer’s complicated configurations, Venus goes retrograde in Scorpio, revealing the emotional understructure of your beliefs, and changing up more than a few of your ideas about how the world works.
Sol in Capricorn, Luna in Libra
1 Comment
I love it much, very cool