Neptune in Pisces
January 28, 2012Astrology 13th-19th: Rising Tide
February 14, 2012This week we gaze into the boiling fluids of the Water-Bearer’s bowl, scrying what futures we may be headed toward. Things get moving early in the week with a duo of powerful influences. Tuesday is host not only to the Full Moon in Leo, but also sets the table for Saturn’s retrograde station in Libra, loading up the early week with the uneasy mixture of Full Moon intensity and Saturnine heaviness. Tuesday night, Venus drags herself out of Pisces and enters Aries, where she’ll be heating the passions for the next several weeks. On Friday, Venus conjoins Uranus in the early degrees of Aries, seeding revolutionary excitement, sudden outbursts and emotional breakthroughs.
Saturn’s Retrograde Station: Suspended Judgment
Saturn’s retrograde station comes early Tuesday morning. Saturn turns tail in the very last degree of Libra and will hike back all the way back to 22 degrees Libra, where the solemn planet eventually stations direct on June 24th. The retrograde station on February 7th wreathes the surrounding days in seriousness, and will likely coincide with difficult turns of fortune for those who have not brought sufficient equilibrium to their circumstances. It is a call to examine the trajectory of your choices and their consequences, a silent question as to whether the future you are building is the one you want to live within. This reassessing and rebuilding period will last until June 24th, when Saturn stations direct.
Full Moon in Leo: Hot Lights
While Saturn calls us to examine the architecture of the futures we’re sliding toward, the Moon waxes its way toward Fullness in the Lion’s sign. Although the Moon will be at its fullest moment on Tuesday afternoon in the Western hemisphere, for all intents and purposes we’ll experience it both Monday and Tuesday nights.
The hot, personal Moon in Leo juxtaposes the distant, objective Aquarian Sun. The Sun in Aquarius emphasizes a detached, rational and rather cold concern with the patterns of human life, both individually and collectively. The Moon in Leo challenges this impersonal pondering with a surfeit of heartfelt energy. The intensity of these personal questions is reinforced by Mercury’s perfect conjunction with the Sun on Monday night. This kazimi brings Mercury’s thoughtful energy to the very core of concerns. The question is not just where things are going, but what role are you actively playing in the possibilities you glimpse. Who will you be in the stories unfolding around you? Protagonist or merely tree #3?
Venus in Aries: Love Is A Battlefield
Tuesday night, beneath the hot silver of the Full Moon, Venus crawls out of Pisces’ ocean and once more enters the hot arena of Aries, where the Evening Star will be until March 5th. In Aries, Venus sets fire to the passions, triggering sudden connections, rowdy behavior and a taste for kinetic aesthetics. While Venus’ yearly pass through Aries can be a lot of fun, it does tend to kindle interpersonal conflicts. With Venus’ time in Aries coinciding entirely with Mars’s retrograde this year, there are likely to be more than a few sparks over the next several weeks.
On Thursday Venus conjoins Uranus in early Aries. This conjunction stimulates passions, triggering suppressed feelings and inflaming revolutionary zeal. It can be a very inspiring energy, but it’s the kind of fire which easily burns out of control. With the Moon also conjoined red, retrograde Mars in Thursday night’s sky, you may want to keep a fire extinguisher handy.
Horoscopes are not a real chart reading by an experienced astrologer. However, they are fun and can be reasonably accurate. In addition to referring to your Sun sign, read your from Ascendant and Moon if you know them. If you don’t, find out. I’m a long time fan of the free chart generation software at astro.com.
Oh, and if you’re still concerned that your sign has changed, get a little clarity here.
Aries: The Ram
The Full Moon in Leo on the 7th challenges you to reconcile your need for creative self expression with the necessities of the social world. Meanwhile, Saturn pressurizes your more intimate relationships, further emphasizing the importance of balancing your idiosyncratic needs with a respect for the people who have to be around you.
Shortly thereafter, Venus enters Aries, cycling up your passions to potentially unstable levels, especially around Venus’ conjunction with Uranus on the 9th. Venus will be in Aries until March 5th.
Taurus: The Bull
The Full Moon in Leo asks you to consider how your living situation and professional life conflict and complement one another, while Saturn points meaningfully to the importance of balancing your budget, as well as your health.
Tuesday night, Venus enters Aries, where she’ll be inflaming forgotten irritations and exciting misplaced passions, especially around Venus’ conjunction with Uranus on the 9th. Venus will be in Aries until March 5th.
Gemini: The Twins
The Full Moon in Leo asks you to consider how your long and short term goals complement and conflict with each other, while Saturn demands you cast a serious eye at what you’ve been doing with your creative energy.
Shortly thereafter, Venus enters Aries, bringing a lively but conflict-prone energy to your social life, especially around Venus’ conjunction with Uranus on the 9th. Venus will be in Aries until March 5th.
Cancer: The Crab
The Full Moon in Leo highlights the difference between you share and what must remain your own, while Saturn’s station asks that you seriously consider the equilibrium of your living situation.
Tuesday night, Venus enters Aries, where she will be bringing your passions to bear on your mutating professional situation, especially around Venus’ conjunction with Uranus on the 9th. Venus will be in Aries until March 5th.
Leo: The Lion
The Full Moon in Leo spotlights the state of affairs between you and the important people in your life, while Saturn’s station points toward the importance of communicating your thoughts in a diplomatic and considerate manner.
After the Full Moon, Venus enters Aries, igniting your passions for big ideas, especially around Venus’ conjunction with Uranus on the 9th. Venus will be in Aries until March 5th.
Virgo: The Virgin
The Full Moon in Leo spotlights the relationship between the practical problems in your life and the less tangible psychological patterns that produce them, while Saturn’s station points toward the importance of keeping your finances balanced in a swiftly tilting world.
Shortly thereafter, Venus enters Aries, where she’ll stoke excitement about the possibility of teaming up with others, especially around Venus’ conjunction with Uranus on the 9th. Take note of potential opportunities, but wait to get the test results back before you hop into bed with anyone. Venus will be in Aries until March 5th.
Libra: The Scales
The Full Moon in Leo Full Moon spotlights the relationship between what you’re doing with your creative energy and the networks of people you’re a part of, while Saturn’s station rams home lessons about personal responsibility and discipline.
Tuesday night, Venus enters Aries, sparking passion in your significant relationships. Warm your hands, but take care not to burn yourself, especially around Venus’ conjunction with Uranus on the 9th. Venus will be in Aries until March 5th.
Scorpio: The Scorpion
The Full Moon in Leo highlights the relationship between your living situation and who you want to be professionally, while Saturn’s station queries the shifting equilibrium of your psyche.
Shortly thereafter, Venus enters Aries. Venus time in the horned sign may trigger a few surprise expenses, especially around Venus’ conjunction with Uranus on the 9th. Work to channel what enthusiasm blooms toward positive new habits. Venus will be in Aries until March 5th.
Sagittarius: The Archer
The Full Moon in Leo spotlights the relationship between short term tasks and long term objectives, while Saturn’s station emphasizes the importance of position within social networks.
Tuesday night, Venus enters Aries, sparking your passions and creativity, especially around Venus’ conjunction with Uranus on the 9th. Venus will be in Aries until March 5th.
Capricorn: The Goat
The Full Moon in Leo highlights the relationship between other people’s resources and your own, while Saturn’s station points a stern finger at what needs to be done to stabilize your professional trajectory.
Then Venus enters Aries, which may kindle latent conflicts within your living situation, especially around Venus’ conjunction with Uranus on the 9th. Venus will be in Aries until March 5th.
Aquarius: The Water Bearer
The Full Moon in Leo Full Moon spotlights your relationships, framing the early month’s concerns with self and identity in the silver light of the important people in your life. Meanwhile, Saturn’s station sternly emphasizes the importance of bringing equilibrium to you long term goals.
Tuesday night, Venus enters Aries, infusing your daily communications with an unstable bit of passion. Take care to avoid unnecessary friction, especially during Venus’ conjunction with Uranus on the 9th. Venus will be in Aries until March 5th.
Pisces: The Fish
The Full Moon in Leo emphasizes the result of your subconscious equilibrium (or lack thereof) on practical matters, while Saturn’s station emphasizes the importance of bringing your exchanges with others into an equitable place.
Shortly thereafter, Venus enters Aries, where she’ll help you bring in a little cash. However, there may be some financial irritations as well, especially around Venus’ conjunction with Uranus on the 9th. Venus will be in Aries until March 5th.
Private Consultations
If you find yourself a little confused by the strange waters of the season, or interested in a personalized map of those yet to come, consider a consultation. For details, click here. Send inquiries to ac@austincoppock.com.
1 Comment
Wow the skilled execution of your Celestial understanding is Stunning
… The way you communicate imparts wisdom when most astrologers spend
their time describing knowledge or worse wrapping it with
pseudo-mysticism … both useless and deluded you bring the convolution
down to a watchable movie … Respekt ;]