Crossroads Considerations: Merc RX
December 11, 2010A Solstice Note
December 22, 2010The lunar eclipse this Monday night/Tuesday morning, the 21st, is the first eclipse in the new series on the Gemini-Sagittarius axis, which opens up a whole new can of subtle evolutionary and karmic worms. We’ve been in the Cancer-Capricorn cycle for the last year and a half, which has highlighted an embrace of the hard and the real and forced a withdrawal from the comfort based. Nonetheless, we’re not quite done with the Cancer-Capricorn series. The last installment of this series come when the Sun is Eclipsed on January 3rd. And so with the 21st’s eclipse, we see beginnings come before endings, and the whole nodal knot tied a little awkwardly.
Gemini-Sagittarius Eclipses
Throughout the Gemini-Sagittarius series of eclipses we’ll see a karmic shift toward synthesis and away from analysis. We move from Gemini’s strategy of division to Sagittarius’ emphasis on unification and focus. These strategies can be seen in the symbols of the signs themselves, with Gemini’s Twins standing in for concept of the One as Two, and Sagittarius’ centaur representing the Two as One.
This series of eclipses will shine its black light on places where we have wasted our energy with insufficient focus. We will be called to retrieve our exploratory tentacles from a variety of areas in order to concentrate on those that are most important. This is the formulae of Sagittarius- connecting the animal and the human, the beast and the bow, all in service of a single goal.
This particular eclipse, with the Full Moon in striking distance of the South Node, triggers an awareness of how our attentions and personalities have been divided. Although the overall movement of the cycle is away from division and toward synthesis, this first installment will likely serve to highlight the divisions currently present but beneath the threshold of awareness. The narrative theme here is the old Jekyll and Hyde dynamic, and whether you see it through the lens of Bruce Banner and the Incredible Hulk, or Ed Norton and Brad Pitt in Fight Club, the formula is the same. It is an enhanced awareness of the self’s multiplicity, and the challenge that internal variety poses to the desire for unity. We’ll see the ghosts of the life we haven’t lived come knocking, demanded to either be exorcised or included.
Eclipse Horoscopes
Aries: The Ram
The Lunar eclipse in Gemini on the 21st urges you to let go of worn out thought patterns, and may also indicate a point of separation in sibling relationships.
Taurus: The Bull
The Lunar eclipse in Gemini on the 21st urges you to let go of the idea that you have to know how to do everything yourself. The lesson here is to make room for other people’s help.
Gemini: The Twins
The Lunar eclipse in Gemini on the 21st urges you to let go of your attachment to the hundred ideas you have of yourself. You cannot be all things to all people, and trying to be inevitably makes people suspicious of you. Pick a mere handful of personalities to work with and let the rest go.
Cancer: The Crab
The Lunar eclipse in Gemini on the 21st sees a shift away from the mysterious in order to make way for the practical. There are times to ponder the ineffable, but you’ve only got so much ponder time, and the effable needs some love, too.
Leo: The Leon
The Lunar eclipse in Gemini on the 21st looks over a withdrawal of energies from your social sphere in order to accommodate a growing need to spend time with your creative energies. Don’t worry so much about what people think about what you do, just do it.
Virgo: The Virgin
The Lunar eclipse in Gemini on the 21st sees a cessation of concern with certain professional prospects. This eclipse asks for you to cease chasing every opportunity that comes your way so that you can focus your energies on quality projects. Quality, not quantity.
Libra: The Scales
The Lunar eclipse in Gemini on the 21st calls for you to take you eye out of the telescope and stop gazing into the future. You’ll need that eye to focus on things of a more immediate nature. Quit with the navel and horizon gazing and consider what’s right in front of you.
Scorpio: The Scorpio
The Lunar eclipse in Gemini on the 21st asks that you let go of unnecessary dependence and dependents, calling for you to reign in your resources. The focus here is on moving away from “us” and getting back to “me.”
Sagittarius: The Archer
The Lunar eclipse in Gemini on the 21st spotlights relationships you’ve been spending too much energy on. You’re entering a period where your individuality is being highlighted and reinforced, and too much compromise interferes with understanding who, in fact, you are. You are not your partner, your boss, your mom or your friends. You are you. You might even be awesome. Self definition with minimal context is key.
Capricorn: Goat
The Lunar eclipse in Gemini on the 21st asks that you free yourself from the thousand practical details whose mass demands attention that would be better spent in other places.
Aquarius: Bucket Boy Deluxe
The Lunar eclipse in Gemini on the 21st suggests you consider your store of creative ideas. This eclipse pulls you away from the idea-generating process, and instead pushes you to consider what audiences and/or markets your ideas might be well received by.
Pisces: The Feesh
The Lunar eclipse in Gemini on the 21st asks that you release yourself from where you’ve been. Yes, it’s shaped you, but it shouldn’t contain you. Clear out a little past to make room for some future.
Feeling informed, perhaps even entertained?
Get an entire year’s worth of astrological insight with the 2011 Astrological Almanac: A Guide To The Near Future. Click here for more details.
Opened my mind to the dual meaning of Gemini, and the cohesiveness of it’s opposition Sagitarius being two in one.
“… an enhanced awareness of the self’s multiplicity, and the challenge that internal variety poses to the desire for unity. We’ll see the ghosts of the life we haven’t lived come knocking, demanded to either be exorcised or included.” your words couldn’t be more true
I found myself saying the exact same thing then i reread it and went now i see what he meant
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