The Scorpio Moon presides over Mars in Virgo’s opposition with Neptune in Pisces today. This configuration brings with it a back-and-forth between aggressive precision and dreamy […]
The Moon in Scorpio aspects the pending Mars-Neptune opposition during the first half of the day. This configuration highlights goals in need of further refinement, off-task […]
The Moon enters Scorpio during the first portion of the day, where it will seek the satisfaction of felt intensities. Intensity and seeking might also describe […]
Neither the Moon, nor any other planet makes an exact aspect today. Initiate nothing of lasting import, nstead let your mind drift toward the upcoming equinox, […]
The New Moon occurs today at 27 Virgo. This end and beginning of the lunar cycle asks us to consider legacies and consequences— what people’s actions […]
Monday sees the Moon conjoin Mars during the early afternoon. This is a potentially inflammatory influence, triggering irritations which threaten to turn into small conflagrations. After […]
Sunday begins with the Moon in Leo’s trine to Saturn in Sagittarius, starting the day off on a somewhat belabored note. Currently unmet commitments and obstacles […]
The Moon makes no aspects today, though Mercury and Mars do conjoin in Saturday’s skies. The Mercury-Mars conjunction is fierce and cerebral. It suggests verbal assaults […]
The first portion of the day is dominated by the Moon in Cancer’s trine with Neptune in Pisces. This is a pleasant, potentially restful configuration, though […]
Wednesday begins the Moon in Gemini’s trine to Jupiter in Libra, a pleasant and buoyant counterpoint to the Sun’s square with Saturn, which lays a heavy […]
Tuesday begins with the Moon in Gemini’s square to Neptune in Pisces, lending the first portion of the day a somewhat distractible or sleepy feel. Though […]
The first celestial event of the day is the Moon’s entrance into Gemini, which speeds things up in anticipation of the Moon’s afternoon square to Mercury […]
Saturday begins with the Moon’s conjunction to Uranus in Aries, starting the day off on a potentially stimulating, if disruptive, note. Immediately thereafter, the Moon trines […]
The Neptunian tide released by yesterday’s Full Moon is contradicted by the mid-day square between the Moon and cranky, realistic Saturn. This may puncture a few […]
A big day. Mercury stations direct around dawn, ending the rather extended and somewhat excruciating retrograde. Of additional interest is the fact that Mercury’s direction station […]
The Sun in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces today. Here, the Sun in Virgo’s precise light falls across the far flung blue planet, illuminating the variety […]
The first portion of the day is defined by aspects to Uranus. Mars trines the disruptive planet, giving the day a surprising boost of energy, while […]
Friday’s first aspect is the Moon in Capricorn’s conjunction to Pluto. The Capricorn Moon, already a somewhat business-like, if dour, influence, is not improved by conjunction […]
Mercury retrogrades back into Leo this morning. With this shift the theme of Mercury’s retrograde turns toward the Leonine themes of identity and reputation triggered by […]
Wednesday is chock full of aspects. The day begins with the Moon’s near-simultaneous conjunction with Saturn and sexile with Jupiter, reactivating the received aspect between the […]