Daytime is pleasant enough. The Moon in Sagittarius provides for enthusiasm, though one may have to strike a match in order to properly kindle it. Evening, […]
The Sun in Cancer aspects Neptune in Pisces and Jupiter in Libra simultaneously today. The trine with Neptune gives a sense of flow, or peace, while […]
The first part of Tuesday holds no special planetary action. As is perhaps appropriate for the night-time spectacle that is the United States’ birthday, things get […]
The opposition of Mars in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn completes during Sunday’s early hours, highlighting the need for security and to tackle the evolutionary challenges […]
July starts on a not terribly easy note. The Moon in Libra, which just the night before conjoined peaceable Jupiter today straddles the applying Mars-Pluto opposition. […]
The Sun enters the second face, or decan, of Cancer on Saturday, July 1st (7/1 8:45 AM PDT). Here philosophers gather privately, inside a walled and […]
The first portion of Thursday is subject to an oppressive Moon-Saturn square, but the weight lifts a bit mid-day, when Luna shifts her attentions to dignified […]
Mercury and Mars conjoin in Cancer today, opposite Pluto in Capricorn. Harsh feelings are due to erupt today, with harsh words likely to follow. This configuration […]
The first part of Sunday is characterized by the Moon in Cancer’s square with disruptive Uranus in Aries, which may trigger unexpected changes of plan or […]
A very-waning Moon in Gemini trines Jupiter, then squares Neptune today. Thursday afternoon is thus subject to jollity, followed by a touch of confusion or fogginess. […]
Wednesday begins with the conjunction of Mercury and the Sun. This moment, the superior conjunction, sees Mercury in line with the Earth, but on the far […]
Tuesday begins with the waning Moon in Taurus’ sextile with Mars in Cancer. Some irritations may come with this morning aspect, but those are likely to […]
Bright, electric energies wash through the first half of Monday. The Moon in Aries runs through a quick quartet of aspects to Saturn, Mercury, Uranus and […]
Sunday is host to an interesting mixture of aspects. The Sun in swift Gemini sextiles electric Uranus in Aries, lacing the solar rays with slivers of […]
The Moon enters Aries mid-day, turning up the temperature and thereby increasing ambient irritations. The Moon spends the rest of the day enroute to a square […]
Friday begins with the Moon’s early morning conjunction with stationary Neptune in Pisces, lacing the first hours of the day with story fragments and dream scenes. […]
Thursday sees the Moon flow through Pisces, though the afternoon’s trine with Mars in Cancer may boil the otherwise lazy current. Though irritations and anxieties may […]
The Sun and Saturn oppose perfectly today, and the Moon attends faithfully to them both. Saturn will rise in the east at sunset, its brightest light […]
Tuesday is host to a rather magnificent Grand Air Trine between the Moon in Aquarius, Mercury in Gemini and Jupiter in Libra. There is a tremendous […]
Monday begins with the Moon in Capricorn’s square with Uranus in Aries, beginning things on a potentially jarring note. Surprises, insights and changes of plan bounce […]