April’s story, though possessed of many details, can be broken down into two major parts. These are the plotlines spun out by Mercury and Venus’ retrograde […]
Monday begins with a dreamy trine between the Moon in Cancer and Neptune in Pisces. Prepare to sleep-walk through the not-unpleasant fog which surrounds the wee […]
Sunday begins on a difficult note. The morning hours see the Moon in Gemini make an exhausted opposition to Saturn in Sagittarius. Early risers may have […]
The last day of March begins with the entry of the Moon into communicative Gemini. This is followed shortly by Mercury’s ingress into Taurus. In the […]
Wednesday begins with a daybreak trine between the Moon and Saturn, which gives the early hours a somber air. This seriousness is reinforced by Mercury’s […]
Sunday begins with Mercury’s revelatory conjunction with Uranus in Aries. Brilliant, radical and rebellious thoughts crowd the collective mindspace. Yet the month is old, and the […]
Friday has a hopeful quality about it. Mercury and the Moon both aspect Jupiter, highlighting the positive potentials the giant planet incubates. Aspire to greater […]
Thursday begins with the Moon in Aquarius’ sextile to retrograde Venus in Aries, which should offer some perspective on feelings and circumstances in flux. Later […]
Tuesday begins with the Moon in Capricorn’s sextile to Neptune in Pisces, which pads the harder points of the morning hours. Afternoon, though, sees Luna move […]
The Moon enters Capricorn early on Monday, bringing things down to earth. The Moon in Capricorn’s subsequent square with the Sun in Aries further testifies […]
The Moon in Sagittarius first sextiles jolly Jupiter and then trines electric Uranus this lively Sunday, though as night falls and then deepens, the Moon approaches […]
Saturday is dominated by the conjunction of Mercury to a retrograde Venus in Aries. The coincidence of these bodies brings the heart and tongue into perfect […]
Thursday is of a relatively mellow nature. The day begins with the Moon in Scorpio’s trine with Neptune in Pisces, a sedate, if potentially lazy, aspect. […]
The Moon enters Scorpio during the morning hours, and thereafter heads straight for an opposition with Mars in Taurus. This is a less than ideal configuration, […]
Tuesday’s configurations are busy and potentially stressful. The Moon spends the day in a t-square with Pluto in Capricorn, Jupiter in Libra and Uranus in Aries, […]
Monday sees Mercury enter Aries and the Moon in Libra oppose retrograde Venus in the Ram’s sign. Mercury’s ingress into Aries supports direct, if impassioned, communication, […]
Today the waxing Moon in Virgo makes an opposition with Neptune, which may see to-do lists dropped in toilets, and simple plans drift sideways. Nightfall sees […]